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11 Guaranteed Ways to Get CANCELED as a Beauty Influencer

By Career Advice, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a viral beauty influencer? I know – the thought of having thousands upon thousands of followers, and leveraging your talent for amazing opportunities, is an exciting prospect. But before you take the plunge, you NEED to know what not to do first. After all, once you get canceled as a beauty influencer, it’s a lot harder to make a comeback.

In this blog post, we’ll take a close look at 11 guaranteed ways to get canceled as a beauty influencer… And why. So, read on to learn how to avoid them at all costs!

11 Guaranteed Ways to Get Canceled as a Beauty Influencer

Before we dive in, I want to make one thing clear: when I talk about getting “canceled” in this article, it isn’t always in the super dramatic way we’ve all come to think of it. Sometimes, yes – getting canceled is when you MAJORLY mess up (in a colossal way) and you’re ostracized immediately.

However, other times, getting canceled is simply a matter of you continually making the wrong career moves, until it reaches a point where you force yourself to fade from relevance.

With that in mind, let’s jump into our list!

Mistake #1: Ignoring Your Followers

Obviously, this is hard when you have thousands (or even millions!) of followers. After all, you can’t be expected to be able to reply to everybody – or come even close. But ignoring everyone’s comments is a surefire way to get cancelled as a beauty influencer.


Because your followers are your biggest asset. They’re the ones who will help you get noticed, and create an engaged community of dedicated fans. If you never engage directly with them (i.e. not replying to any comments or DMs, never addressing commonly asked questions you get, etc.), they’ll begin to feel alienated from you.

This is the kind of mistake that may not get you canceled suddenly and immediately. However, it’s definitely one that can force you to gradually fade from the public’s eye the more your followers feel you don’t care about them.

So, make sure you reply to at least some of your followers’ comments. This way, they’ll know you appreciate them!

Mistake #2: Not Being Authentic

The modern consumer is savvier than ever – and that’s especially true when it comes to social media. If it looks like you’re not being authentic, your followers won’t hesitate to call you out on it.

This makes perfect sense! Obviously, no one wants to follow or support a fake influencer. People want to see real people with real experiences… Not someone just faking it to make a quick buck.

So, if you want to stay relevant, make sure you’re always being authentic. Post genuine content, answer questions honestly – and don’t be afraid to show both the positive and negative sides of your life.

After all, an influencer who’s too perfect isn’t all that relatable.

Pro Tip: Want to go viral on TikTok as a makeup artist? These tips and tricks can help you achieve this goal!

Mistake #3: Being a Little Too Authentic

There’s a flip side to Mistake #2… And that is, being a little too authentic.

No, I’m in no way discouraging you from being yourself! I’m just pointing out that there’s a thin line between authenticity and oversharing. Furthermore, there’s still a level of tact, professionalism, and respect needed whenever you post something to the public – especially if it’s your job.

(Do any beauty influencers who’ve been canceled in the past come to your mind who fit this description?)

So, make sure you don’t cross this line! Be judicious with what you post and respect both your audience and yourself. Furthermore, don’t share personal information that could be used against you.

Mistake #4: Always Being Involved in The Drama

You’re a beauty influencer – not the star of a reality TV show. So, when drama starts happening, it’s best to stay out of it.

Remember the infamous feud between Jeffree Star and James Charles? At one point, their entire PR teams were called in to help smooth things over. And while there’s a certain level of entertainment that drama like this brings the audience, it’s definitely not worth getting involved in.


Because if you’re always choosing sides and stirring up drama, your followers will grow tired of it and stop engaging with you. This can create a lot of tension between you and your audience – and make them question where your true loyalties lie.

Plus, you don’t want to get caught in the middle of a battle between two popular beauty influencers. That’s a surefire way to get canceled!

So, if unnecessary drama is brewing, it’s best to avoid the tea altogether.

Mistake #5: Lying About Paid Sponsorships and/or Brand Deals

This is another one that could get you canceled in an instant – and for good reason. Nobody likes being lied to. Especially when your followers are trusting you to recommend products and services they can use.

Furthermore, and this is especially worth noting, lying about paid sponsorships and/or brand can land you in legal trouble. For example, in the US, FTC guidelines require influencers to clearly disclose any sponsored content or paid partnerships.

If you don’t, you could be fined!

So, make sure that when it comes to sponsorships and brand deals, you don’t mislead your followers. Be transparent and honest about the products you’re promoting – and always disclose any sponsored content in a clear manner. This way, you can avoid getting canceled and/or fined.

Mistake #6: Outright Lying to Your Followers

Look, I don’t want to weigh in too heavily on the whole #mascaragate situation that recently happened on TikTok, but it’s an excellent example to highlight the damages of lying to your audience.

Therefore, I’m going to attempt to summarize what happened as objectively as possible…

Basically, a mega popular beauty influencer was accused of lying to her followers about the results of using a certain mascara. The overwhelming majority of the people flooded to the comments, pointing out what everyone felt was an obvious use of false lashes.

In turn, this influencer doubled down in her comment replies and stuck to her story that no fake lashes were used.

And while she may have thought nothing would come of it in the long run, thousands upon thousands of people believed her words to be a lie. And if this did happen to be a lie, it was one that not only cost her thousands of followers – it even brought a number of beauty guru legends out of the woodwork to call her out!

The moral of the story?

If you want to be a successful beauty influencer, you need to be honest with your followers. If they can trust and believe in you, they will stick around for the long haul. But if you try to deceive them?


Mistake #7: Not Taking Accountability When You Mess Up

Yes, I know, this article kind of has no chill… It’d be easy to assume that because this mistake is specifically following the last one, I’m trying to get a subtle jab in at this particular influencer.

But this is not the case. Once again, I’m trying to be neutral here and not definitively point any fingers. But one way or another, it IS a current and relevant example of the point I’m making…

For the sake of the argument, let’s say that this influencer was lying. Importantly, that’s what a LOT of her fans and followers believe. And yet, after going silent following the #mascaragate situation and then making a return… This influencer has yet to actually address what happened.

No apology, no explanation – nothing.

This has happened plenty of times with social media influencers from all sorts of niches and industries. One mistake is made, and it’s almost like they completely ignore the fact that anything ever happened.

But people WILL remember if you do this. Not only will they never fully feel like that can trust you again – you’ll lose so much of your credibility as a beauty professional in general.

So, if you want to be a successful beauty influencer, here’s the deal: if you mess up and your followers call you out for it, own up to it and apologize. Taking responsibility and being honest with your followers is the only way to truly gain back any trust you may have lost.

Pro Tip: Make sure you know the DOs and DON’Ts of beauty vlogging before you attempt to go viral!

Mistake #8: Not Knowing What You’re Talking About as a Beauty Expert

Real talk (and I’m aware this might be an unpopular opinion): learning makeup through social media is not the same as completing a professional makeup course.

Yes, obviously there are a fair number of famous beauty and makeup influencers out there with remarkable talent, who didn’t get professionally trained. But they’re like a rare butterfly. In reality, most people who aren’t properly trained can’t make it very far as an influencer because there’s too much they either:

  • Don’t know about, or
  • Can’t execute properly.

So, if you are serious about becoming a beauty influencer, I highly recommend getting the education and certification that comes with it. This way, you’ll actually know what you’re talking about and can help teach your audience the correct way to do things and use products.

Pro Tip: Earn YOUR professional, internationally-recognized makeup certification in as little as 2 short months with QC Makeup Academy’s self-paced, online training!

Canceled as a beauty influencer in-post image 3

Mistake #9: Fighting with Your Followers

Okay, there are two things I want to preface with this one:

  1. I’m not referring to instances where someone is being abusive towards you and you’re merely standing up for yourself;
  2. And I’m also not referring to the odd argument that may happen on a very rare occasion.

What I’m referring to are the kind of fights that start because you’ve either:

  • Said something controversial and are now getting called out for it, or
  • Responded to someone in an aggressive, negative, and/or unacceptable manner.

In either case, fighting with your followers is a BIG no-no and can quickly lead to you getting canceled. Also, while we’re here, please don’t be the kind of influencer who is actively going out of their way to look for fights when their followers comment on their content.

It gets old really fast, it’s exhausting, and it only makes you look super immature.

No matter how passionate you are about something, always remember to be respectful and polite when interacting with your followers online. Being kind goes a long way!

And if someone is being abusive towards you?

It’s better to simply block them than engage.

Mistake #10: Abandoning Your Platform

Another way to get canceled as a beauty influencer is by you abandoning your platform. Maybe you’re going through a rough patch and need to take a break, and that’s totally understandable.

But if you decide to just up and leave your followers with no warning and no explanation, they’ll more than likely think you’ve just run away from the consequences of something you did – or have lost interest and moved on all together.

Either way, they won’t be happy and you’ll quickly get canceled.

So, if you need to take a break for whatever reason, make sure you’re honest and transparent with your followers about it. Let them know what’s going on and when you hope to be back. From there, if you need more time away then expected, simply post a quick, short update to keep your audience informed.

Doing this will help maintain trust, respect and loyalty within your community – even when you’re not active.

Mistake #11: Saying Something Horrifically Offensive

This is probably the worst mistake you can make as a beauty influencer (or any social media influencer, for that matter). Chances are, if you mess up in this way, your career isn’t coming back from it.

Because the fact is, it’s 2023… And yet, unfortunately, people still say and do racially insensitive, homophobic, transphobic, sexist – you name it – things on the internet.

No matter how passionate you are about something, always remember to be respectful and polite when interacting with your followers online. Saying anything offensive or hateful will get you canceled in no time – particularly if it’s something that is completely and utterly wrong.

So, please think before you post anything and make sure you aren’t crossing any lines. If it’s not something that everyone can get behind and accept, don’t post or say it.

Bearded man professional beauty make up artist vlogger or blogger recording makeup tutorial to share on website or social media. Getting cancelled article.

Food for Thought

As we wrap things up, I encourage you to ask yourself:

  • What kind of beauty influencer do you want to be?
  • Who are your current beauty influencer idols – and why?
  • Are there any beauty influencers you don’t want to be like – and again, why?
  • What can you do to be more like the influencers you admire, and less like the ones you don’t?

Answering these questions will give you a good idea of the kind of content and social media presence you want to cultivate as a beauty influencer. Remember: content should be your first priority – but with great power comes great responsibility!

So, always remember to be mindful of what you’re posting, how often you’re engaging with your followers, and most importantly, staying true to yourself and your values.

Doing this will help you become a successful beauty influencer that people admire – and also help you avoid getting canceled!

Good luck, beauties! 🤞

Up Next: Interested in writing your very own beauty blog? Here are the 5 steps for success!

Makeup photography Feature Image

18 Secrets to Makeup Photography Success

By Career Advice, Makeup Tips and Tricks, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Are you a professional makeup artist and want to improve your portfolio? Have you been hired to do editorial makeup and you want to make sure you deliver the best possible results? Or maybe you’re a makeup lover who simply wants to improve your makeup photography skills for your Instagram feed?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, we’ve got some great news for you! Makeup photography doesn’t have to be complicated. In this article, we’ll go over 18 secrets that will help you take your makeup photos from mediocre to magazine-worthy.

So, let’s get started!

The Importance of Makeup in Photography

Makeup plays an an important role in in photography, as it helps enhance your features and create a certain look. Furthermore, makeup also makes it easier for photographers to capture colors, tones, and textures in the images they take.

In the world of professional makeup artistry, makeup is especially important in editorial work. In a nutshell, editorial photoshoots are all about creating a specific look or atmosphere. Usually, the purpose is to sell some sort of product, tell a story, or portray a concept. Makeup is the key to helping achieve this vision!

You’ll also find that makeup photography is of major importance when it comes to building your professional portfolio. After all, as a makeup artist, your portfolio is essentially your resume! It’s what potential employers look at to determine if you have the skillset they’re looking for. As such, knowing how to apply makeup for the camera is a must.

Now, let’s say you’re not a professional MUA. Perhaps you simply want to take your social media content to the next level. Well, makeup is just as important here, too. It helps you look your best and creates a more polished image!

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18 Secrets to Makeup Photography Success

Okay, let’s not waste anymore time! Here are 18 tips to help you achieve the perfect makeup look for photography…

But WAIT! Before we reveal these 18 secrets, make sure you know HOW to build a professional makeup artistry portfolio first!

Secret #1: Prep the skin with moisturizer and primer!

Make sure your (or your client’s) skin is well-hydrated and prepped first before applying makeup. This will help ensure that the products you use stay put and look their best all day long!

Secret #2: Know how to color correct!

Color correcting is basically using a specific product to cancel out any unwanted tones in your skin. Make sure you have a good understanding of how to color correct before doing makeup for photography. Otherwise, you’ll end up with an uneven and inconsistent look.

Pro Tip: Become a color correcting master with the help of this educational webinar – hosted by QC Makeup Academy executive instructor and professional MUA, Nathan Johnson!

Secret #3: Use bold colors that’ll pop on camera!

When it comes to makeup photography, bold colors are always best! So, make sure you use products that’ll show up clearly and will stand out in photos.

Secret #4: Ditch the cakey foundation!

Cakey foundation looks unnatural and unflattering in photos. For this reason, it’s important to avoid this look! Instead, make sure you use a lightweight foundation that’ll provide a sheer and polished finish.

Secret #5: Focus on the eyes!

The eyes are the most important feature in makeup photography because they’re the “windows to the soul”. So, make sure you focus on creating a dramatic and beautiful eye look that’ll make an impact in photos. You can achieve this by:

  • Swiping on some colorful eyeshadow;
  • Applying a dramatic cat eye;
  • Doing a sharp, crisp wing;
  • Applying false lashes;
  • Choosing colors that enhance the eye color;
  • And more!

Pro Tip: Need help perfecting your smokey eye? This step-by-step video tutorial by QC Makeup Academy grad, Devyn Gregorio, will show you everything you need to know!

Fashion African American model in gold jewelry, with perfect bright makeup and pigtails. Beautiful stylish African model on colored background. Makeup photoshoot article.

Secret #6: Make sure the lips don’t go unnoticed!

Just because you’re focusing on the eyes doesn’t mean you should overlook the lips. Make sure to create a luscious and full-looking pout with the help of lip liner, lipstick, and/or gloss!

Secret #7: Go with matte products!

Shimmery and sparkly products can be distracting in photos. Furthermore, they can also cause unwanted shine. Instead, make sure you opt for matte or subtle sheen products instead.

By doing this, you’ll be able to create a more subtle and polished look!

Secret #8: Use powder so skin doesn’t look shiny!

While we’re on the subject, applying a translucent setting powder on the face is also essential for keeping skin from getting shiny or greasy. So, make sure you lightly dust this over your (or your client’s) face – either before or after taking photos.

Secret #9: The fashion should match the makeup (and vice versa)!

If you’re choosing your or your client’s wardrobe, make sure to choose an outfit that’ll match the makeup look. This means making sure the colors, styles, and textures don’t clash with each other! And if someone else has picked out the wardrobe, make sure to adjust the makeup accordingly.

Either way, creating a cohesive look is key for achieving the perfect makeup photography look!

Interested in a career as a Fashion Styling Consultant? Become trained and certified in as little as 8 weeks with QC Makeup Academy’s self-paced, online Fashion Styling Course!

Secret #10: Choose colors that compliment the skin tone (and undertones)!

The colors you use in makeup photography can make or break the final look. Thus, we strongly recommend choosing colors that are flattering and will highlight the best features of the person you’re working with. Make sure to take their skin into consideration before you choose colors – as this will help create a more balanced and harmonious look.

For example, all people’s skin tones fall into any of these categories:

  • Cool (blue undertone)
  • Warm (yellow/golden undertone)
  • Neutral (a balance of cool and warm undertones)

Once you know the undertones, you can then choose colors that’ll enhance them!

Secret #11: Don’t be afraid of natural skin texture!

No amount of makeup in the world can completely erase skin texture – and that’s just a fact. Personally, when I see a model who has no pores, I immediately think “Photoshop”… And Photoshop doesn’t sell me on anything other than Photoshop.

So, when applying makeup for photography, as it’s important to keep some of the natural skin texture still visible. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should leave your or your client’s skin looking dull and dry. It simply means that you shouldn’t cake on the makeup.

Make sure to use the right products and techniques to create a glowing, healthy complexion without losing the skin’s natural texture. Remember: having texture on our skin is part of being human. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it!

Secret #12: Make sure to use a setting spray!

Setting spray is essential for keeping your makeup in place and ensuring it still looks fresh after hours of shooting. We recommend using a product that’s specifically designed for photography (such as any of these), as this will give you the best results.

Male skincare routine showing male model with great skin

Secret #13: Know how to do a variety of looks!

You’ve probably noticed that so far, we’ve put a lot of emphasis on the bolder, more dramatic side of makeup photography. That being said, you should also be aware of the importance of subtler looks as well. Not only does your professional portfolio need variety; if you’re limited to one or two styles, you won’t be able to book as many photoshoot jobs!

With that in mind, you should learn how to do a variety of looks, such as:

  • Everyday makeup;
  • Soft glam makeup;
  • Bridal/wedding makeup;
  • SFX makeup;
  • Makeup for men;
  • Makeup for mature skin;
  • Global beauty makeup, etc.

Pro Tip: QC Makeup Academy’s self-paced, online courses cover ALL of these styles of makeup (and SO much more)! Plus, you’ll earn a legitimate, globally-recognized certification AND learn how to start/run your own MUA business… All in as little as 12 short weeks!

Secret #14: Do touch-ups throughout the photoshoot!

No matter how perfect the makeup looks at first, it’s bound to need a few touch-ups here and there. When you forget to re-apply powder or blend eyeshadow, the makeup will begin to look patchy and cake-like. So, make sure you have a few key products on hand to help you out when needed.

How to Retouch Makeup for Photography

If you or your client/model needs their makeup retouched during the photoshoot, you’ll need to do two things:

  1. Make sure your makeup is still intact (i.e., powder, eyeshadow, blush, etc.);
  2. And make sure your skin is still matte and not shiny or greasy.

To do this, use a setting spray to re-set the makeup and blot any excess oil with a tissue or blotting paper.

Secret #15: Lighting is literally everything!

We can’t stress this one enough! Makeup photography is all about playing around with light and making sure it’s hitting the face in the most beautiful and flattering way possible. Make sure to experiment with different lighting techniques, as this will help you create a more dynamic look!

Makeup Photography Lighting

Here are the different types of lighting you can work with, and the pros and cons of each:

Natural Lighting

This is widely considered the most flattering type of light, as it comes from the sun and is softer on the skin. However, you’ll need to plan your photoshoots around certain times of day (which may be difficult to do!)

Studio Lighting

This is often used in professional photography studios, and provides a more direct/intense light. It’s trickier to work with, as you’ll have to experiment a lot until you find the right balance.

Moreover, the type of light bulbs used will also affect the final result. For example, “warm” bulbs are often used to create softer and more subtle lighting, while “cool” bulbs can be used to create a sharper look.

Ring Lighting

Used predominantly by social media influencers and beauty gurus, this is a diffused light that’s perfect for makeup photography. Why? Because it provides an even and soft illumination on the face.

While ring lighting isn’t common for professional shoots, it’s definitely recommend for those wanting to take pics of themselves for social media. If you’re interested in trying out ring lighting for your personal photos, make sure to play around with the strength of the light, too. This will help you create different effects.

Secret #16: Take multiple shots from different angles!

If you’re working with a professional photographer, we guarantee this is something they’ll do. But if you’re the one snapping the pics, you’ll need to remember to take multiple shots from different angles. This will ensure that you get the best results!

For starters, this will allow you to capture more detail (such as different eyeshadow colors). And secondly, it allows for better creativity, too, as you can choose the most flattering angles of your – or your client’s – face.

Portrait of elegant beautiful Asian woman in a fashionable raincoat around colourful bright neon uv lights posing in studio. Makeup photoshoot article.

Secret #17: NEVER take selfies!

This one’s important, whether you’re taking pics of makeup for your portfolio or simply adding content to your social media pages. Now, it’s first key to point out that when we say “selfie”, we don’t simply mean a photo you take of yourself. If done correctly, a self-portrait is absolutely fine!

What we’re referring to is when people take photos of themselves with their arms stretched out and the camera in an unflattering position. A better solution is to buy a tripod, position it at the correct angle, and place your phone or camera on it. This will provide much more professional-looking results.

Remember: makeup photography should be taken seriously. If you have trouble taking the perfect pic of yourself, try getting help from a professional photographer or even an assistant.

Secret #18: Know what makes for a high-quality shot!

Finally, it’s important to understand what makes for a high-quality makeup shot. If you’ve been hired for a professional gig, then you probably won’t have to worry about this. Chances are, the photographer hired will be able to deliver the best images.

Essentially, makeup photography should be crisp, clear, and detailed. It should NOT be blurry or grainy – no matter the type of camera you (or the photographer) are using!

How to Take Amazing Makeup Pictures

Here are some tips to help you achieve this, if you’re the one snapping the pics:

  • Make sure to adjust your white balance settings correctly, as this will help create a more even and accurate tone;
  • Set your camera to “Manual Mode”, so you can adjust the exposure, shutter speed and aperture;
  • Set your camera to the highest resolution available. This will ensure that no details are lost in translation;
  • If you’re using the camera on your phone, make sure to check your focus before taking a photo.
  • Furthermore, if you have an iPhone, you can also set your phone camera settings to “Portrait Mode”. This will greatly help you blur out the background – which is perfect for showcasing makeup looks!

If You’re Hiring a Photographer

Now, if you’re looking to hire a photographer to take the pics (say, for your professional portfolio or social media), the key is doing your research. The goal here is to hire somebody who has an eye for detail and knows how to capture the best shots.

Make sure to look through their portfolio and ask questions about their experience and process. Furthermore, don’t be afraid to ask them for any tips they have on taking great makeup pictures!

How to do Makeup for Photography: Black and White Photos

Now, we would be remiss if we didn’t mention black and white photography. After all, makeup looks can look amazing in black and white! However, as an MUA, you’ll have to pay extra attention to detail when doing makeup for this type of photography.

The key here is to think of the contrast. Make sure your makeup pops! This means going for a bold lip or an eyeshadow that will stand out against the darkness of the photo. Plus, you should also make sure you also focus on highlighting your or your client’s features, as this will help them stand out even more.


Phew, that was a lot of info! Let’s wrap things up by answering some of the common questions people have about makeup and photography:

Q: What is makeup photography called?

A: Makeup photography is also known as beauty photography.

Q: What is the best makeup for photography?

A: Makeup for photography should be bold and full coverage, in order to make sure all the details show up in the pictures. Some brands that meet this criteria include (but certainly aren’t limited to):

  • Tarte Cosmetics
  • Rimmel London
  • Anastasia Beverly Hills
  • Hourglass
  • Urban Decay
  • Becca
  • Charlotte Tilbury
  • Jouer
  • Fenty Beauty
  • e.l.f. Cosmetics
  • Huda Beauty
  • Marc Jacobs Beauty
  • Patrick Ta

As an added bonus, all of these makeup brands are also cruelty-free! Win-win!

Q: What are the steps for flawless makeup on camera?

A: Here are the steps for flawless makeup on camera:

  1. Make sure your (or your client’s) skin is properly prepped and hydrated.
  2. Choose makeup products that are full-coverage and long-lasting.
  3. Make sure to pay extra attention to the lips, cheeks, and eyes.
  4. Keep your makeup natural and dewy-looking.
  5. Set the makeup using a setting spray or powder.
  6. Finally, adjust the white balance settings on your camera to ensure accurate colors.
Makeup photography in-post image 5

Q: What are the 7 tips for taking good photographs?

A: In the world of makeup photography, it’s important to keep these seven photo-taking tips in mind:

  1. Have a clear vision of what you want the end result to look like.
  2. Set up your lighting correctly.
  3. Choose the right lens and background.
  4. Stick to natural poses, as they tend to look better on camera.
  5. Pay attention to the makeup details and adjust accordingly.
  6. Use a setting spray or powder to set the makeup in place.
  7. Make sure the colors are accurate by adjusting the white balance on the camera.

Q: Why doesn’t my makeup look good in pictures?

A: Makeup doesn’t always look the same in pictures as it does in person – and there are lots of factors to consider.

Make sure your makeup is full coverage, long-lasting, and natural-looking. What’s more – make sure to focus on the details of the eyes, lips, and cheeks. Next, ensure that the lighting is good, and adjust the white balance on your camera. Lastly, use a setting spray or powder to make sure everything stays in place!

Q: Is makeup really necessary for photography?

A: Makeup is essential for photography – both for everyday pictures AND professional photoshoots! Makeup can enhance the features of whoever’s in the photo, as well as bring out the colors and help create contrast. Plus, it’s also a great way to experiment with different looks and create something unique!


Makeup is an essential part of photography, whether you’re a professional MUA or just someone taking pictures for personal use!

As such, make sure to pay attention to the details and use products that are full coverage and long-lasting. Your lighting should be good and the white balance should be adjusted on your camera for accurate colors. Lastly, set everything in place with a setting spray or powder.

With all of these tips in mind, you’ll be able to take stunning makeup photos every time! Make sure to also check out the recommended reading section for more information on makeup portfolios and how to showcase them.

Good luck, beauties, and happy snapping!

In as little as 2 months, learn how YOU can put together the ULTIMATE makeup portfolio for your career as an MUA. Enroll in QC Makeup Academy’s self-paced, online Portfolio Development Workshop and get started today!

Makeup artist applying makeup to a client after completing course from the best cosmetology school in the US

15 Bad Business Habits to Leave in 2022 as a Professional Makeup Artist

By Career Advice, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Hey, makeup artists! Are you looking to start the new year off on the right foot? If so, then you’ll want to break some bad habits that’ve been holding you back professionally. Luckily, we’ve put together a list of 15 bad business habits to leave in 2022.

So, let’s take a look together and see what they are!

What are Some Bad Business Habits?

Before we reveal our list of 15 bad business habits to leave in 2022, let’s first take a more general look at what constitutes a “bad” business habit…

Essentially, any habit that prevents you from growing your business or achieving your goals is a bad one. This could mean:

  • Overspending on unnecessary items;
  • Not taking time to network and build relationships;
  • Or even procrastinating important tasks like bookkeeping.

In any case, these habits get in the way of success and should be left behind as soon as possible!

Bad business habits to leave in 2022 in-post image 1

15 Bad Business Habits to Leave in 2022 as a Professional MUA

In a nutshell, these are the 15 bad business habits that you should leave behind in 2022 as a professional makeup artist:

  1. Not keeping up with the latest trends;
  2. Not staying organized and timely;
  3. Relying solely on word-of-mouth marketing;
  4. Not setting goals and objectives;
  5. Not taking advantage of online resources and tools;
  6. Poor communication with clients and other MUAs;
  7. Not diversifying your makeup portfolio;
  8. Spending too much time on social media;
  9. Being overly competitive against other MUAs;
  10. Not delegating tasks to free up time for important work;
  11. Ignoring customer feedback, not listening to what they want, and being unreceptive to constructive criticism;
  12. Failing to take risks;
  13. Not asking for help when you need it;
  14. Letting negative thoughts derail your goals;
  15. Not investing in yourself and your business.

Let’s take a closer look at each one, shall we?

While we’re on the topic of bad habits to break, here are 5 bad makeup habits (not business-related) that ALL MUAs need to stop doing ASAP!

Bad Habit #1: Not keeping up with the latest trends.

The beauty industry is always changing and evolving. So, it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends! In turn, this will help you create looks that are fresh and on-trend for your clients.

Consequently, if you choose not to keep up with the latest trends, your makeup looks can quickly become outdated.

FUN FACT: Here are 15 makeup trends that EVERY professional MUA needs to know!

What Things Should You Do in the New Year to Break this Habit?

In the New Year, make sure to allocate time each month (or even week) to research the latest trends.

Also, try reading beauty magazines for inspiration or industry-related books. Another excellent idea is to enroll in a makeup course (such as the self-paced, online programs offered at QC Makeup Academy) to learn the latest techniques – and add a reputable certification to your resume at the same time.

Finally, attending makeup workshops or conferences can also be a great way to stay informed on the latest looks and techniques!

Bad Habit #2: Not staying organized and timely.

When it comes to running a successful business, organization and timeliness are key. That is, if you don’t have a solid plan for how to run your business efficiently, then chaos can quickly ensue. For example, not responding to inquiries in a timely manner, not having a proper filing system for paperwork, or forgetting about important appointments are all mistakes that will cost you clients AND profits.

Furthermore, being organized and timely also extends to each and every makeup application, too. Meaning, you’ll need to be prepared in advance (having all the necessary tools on-hand), ensure your clients don’t have to wait too long for their service, and hone your makeup skills so that the application process is fast and efficient – without losing quality!

What Things Should You Do in the New Year to Break this Habit?

To break this habit in the New Year, start by creating detailed plans ahead of time. For example, prepare a list of all the supplies you’ll need for each client ahead of time, and try to arrive at least 10 minutes earlier than your appointment time.

Additionally, create a filing system to store all of your paperwork in one place. This way, it’s easy to find when needed. Moreover, make sure to set reminders on your phone or calendar app for any upcoming appointments.

Finally, invest in good quality makeup brushes and other tools that will make the application process smoother and faster. You can (and should) also work on improving your application time by challenging yourself to time trials in the New Year. If you’ve never heard of time trials, this is basically a process where you time yourself while doing a makeup look, and then try to beat your time in every time trial afterwards.

As a result, you can compare and measure your progress over time. And of course, the ultimate goal here is to be able to shorten the amount of time it takes for you to do makeup looks, without sacrificing any of its quality.

Bad Habit #3: Relying solely on word-of-mouth marketing.

Yes, word-of-mouth marketing can be a powerful tool for any MUA… However, it’s important to diversify your marketing methods! After all, relying solely on word-of-mouth will only get you so far – and it won’t help you reach clients outside of your current network.

Consequently, investing in other types of digital or traditional marketing (such as social media or print advertising) will help you reach a much larger pool of potential clients.

What Things Should You Do in the New Year to Break this Habit?

To break this habit in the New Year, start by creating an online presence for your business. This can include setting up a website, social media accounts, and even a blog. The more places potential customers can find you, the better!

Additionally, make sure to create quality content for your social media accounts. Think behind-the-scenes videos/photos of you doing makeup looks, helpful tips and tricks videos for beginners, or even reviews from happy clients. Doing so will not only help people get to know you better, but it can also act as free advertising for your business.

On top of that, consider investing in paid advertising campaigns on social media, as well as other methods to improve your SEO (search engine optimization). For this, just remember to set a budget before launching any ads and keep track of its progress over time. Also, don’t forget about traditional marketing methods such as print or radio ads! They can still be effective in reaching potential clients.

Finally, don’t forget to ask your satisfied customers for referrals. After all, word-of-mouth marketing is still a great way to attract new people to your business. And while it shouldn’t be your ONLY marketing strategy, it should still be ONE of them!

PRO TIP: Here are 15 of the BEST ways to successfully market your professional makeup business!

Makeup artist applies eye shadow . Beautiful woman face. Hand of visagiste, painting cosmetics of young beauty model girl . Make up in process. Bad business habits article.

Bad Habit #4: Not setting goals and objectives for your business.

It can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day operations of your business and forget about taking time to set goals. But without them, it’s hard to measure success and growth. And as a result, it can be difficult to know what areas you should invest more time and energy in.

What Things Should You Do in the New Year to Break this Habit?

To break this bad habit and leave it behind in 2022, start by setting both short-term and long-term goals for your business.

Short-term goals are usually things that you’d like to accomplish within a year, such as increasing your client base or launching a new product. Meanwhile, long-term goals are those that you’d like to achieve over the next 5 years or more, such as opening your own brick-and-mortar makeup store.

Once you have your goals in place, create action steps for each of them so that you know how to get there. From there, make sure to create a timeline for each action step so that you can measure and track your progress throughout the year.

Finally, don’t forget that all of your business goals should be SMART goals. Meaning, goals that are:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • And Time-Based.

Doing so will ensure that your goals are clear and achievable – which is essential for business success!

Bad Habit #5: Not taking advantage of online resources and tools.

With everything going digital these days, it can be easy to miss out on useful online resources and tools. For instance, there are countless programs out there that can help with invoicing, client management, marketing, and even social media scheduling.

By failing to maximize these resources to your benefit, you could be missing out on a LOT of opportunities for growth, marketing success, and more.

What Things Should You Do in the New Year to Break this Habit?

To break this habit in 2022, start by doing some research on the various online tools and resources that are available to you. From there, create a list of those that could potentially help your business – whether it’s an invoicing program or website hosting service.

Once you have this list in place, take the time to read reviews and do your own testing if necessary. Then, decide which online tools and resources you’d like to invest in for your makeup business.

Finally, make sure to set up a timeline for when you’d like to use these tools. Doing so will help ensure that you have the budget for them, that you’re making the most of them throughout the year, and that you’re getting the best possible results for your business!

Bad Habit #6: Poor communication with clients and other MUAs.

Poor communication can be a MAJOR issue for makeup artists. Whether it’s not responding to client inquiries in a timely manner or failing to follow through on commitments, bad communication can quickly lead to unhappy customers and lost business.

What Things Should You Do in the New Year to Break this Habit?

To make sure you’re communicating effectively with your clients and other MUAs in 2022, start by setting clear expectations from the very beginning. Make sure that you’re upfront about your scheduling and availability so that clients know what to expect when they book an appointment with you.

Also, make sure to set up a reliable system for responding to messages and inquiries – whether it’s via email or through a messaging app. Doing so will ensure that no messages slip through the cracks and that you’re always responding in a timely manner.

Finally, make sure to follow through on your commitments – no matter how big or small they may be. This could mean anything from turning up on time for an appointment to sending out invoices promptly after a job is completed. By following through, you’ll be able to build trust with your clients and other MUAs – which is essential for long-term success.

Bad Habit #7: Not diversifying your makeup portfolio.

It’s easy to get into a creative rut when you’re doing the same kind of makeup looks for every client. But if you want to stand out from the competition and attract new clients, it’s essential that you diversify your portfolio!

After all, if your makeup portfolio isn’t diverse enough, it could lead to:

  • Clients not wanting to book you because they’re not impressed with your range
  • You getting bored with the same types of makeup looks
  • More difficultly promoting yourself and your services, etc.

What Things Should You Do in the New Year to Break this Habit?

So, how can you leave this bad business habit in 2022 and make sure you have a diverse makeup portfolio in the New Year (and beyond)?

Start by setting aside some time each month to practice different styles of makeup – whether it’s bridal, glamor, special effects makeup, or something completely unique. Also, make sure to take high-quality pictures of your work and upload them to your portfolio on a regular basis. This will help potential clients get an idea of your range and could potentially lead to more bookings.

Finally, consider taking a makeup course or attending a makeup workshop so that you can refine your skills and learn new techniques. Furthermore, you can enroll in a course that’s specifically about building a solid makeup portfolio – such as QC Makeup Academy’s self-paced, online Portfolio Development Workshop!

Doing so will help ensure that you have all the tools you need to create unique and stunning makeup looks for every client!

PRO TIP: Never put together a professional makeup portfolio before? These 10 steps will walk you through the process from start to finish!

Bad Habit #8: Spending too much time on social media.

Spending too much time on social media can be a huge productivity killer. After all, if you’re not careful, it’s easy to get sucked into an endless cycle of scrolling and liking – which can lead to lost hours (and dollars) in the long run.

What’s more, if you’re not using social media strategically, it can also be a huge waste of time for you and your makeup business!

What Things Should You Do in the New Year to Break this Habit?

To make sure you’re using social media efficiently in 2023 and beyond, start by setting aside a specific amount of time each day to dedicate to your business’s presence on the various platforms. Make sure to stick to this allotted time and use it strategically. As in, think about what content you should be posting and how often.

Also, consider investing in tools and software that can help you further streamline and optimize your social media management. This could include anything from scheduling apps to analytics tools that give you insights into your performance, etc.

Finally, make sure to take regular breaks from social media! Too much time on the platforms can not only be bad for productivity but also for your mental health. So, be mindful of how much time you’re spending scrolling, and strive to find a healthy balance.

Bad business habits to leave in 2022 3

Bad Habit #9: Being overly competitive against other MUAs.

Although it’s natural to be competitive in business, being overly competitive against other MUAs can really hurt your own success – and the makeup community as a whole.


Because it can lead to a negative environment and create unnecessary drama. Plus, it’s important to remember that everyone is at different stages in their career. Making comparisons won’t do you any good.

So, instead of competing with one another, you should focus on collaborating and supporting each other!

What Things Should You Do in the New Year to Break this Habit?

To break this bad business habit in 2022, start by taking the time to reach out to other MUAs and build relationships. You never know when someone may have a job opportunity that they need extra help with!

Also, don’t be afraid to ask for advice – especially if you’re just starting out in your career. Chances are, fellow MUAs will be more than happy to help you out. Finally, try to focus on your own business rather than worrying about what other MUAs are doing.

That way, you can strive for success without letting negative feelings of comparison get in the way!

PRO TIP: Learn more about why other professional makeup artists are your FRIENDS – not enemies!

Bad Habit #10: Not delegating tasks to free up time for more important work.

If you’re not delegating tasks, it can be really easy to become overworked and overwhelmed. After all, there’s only so many hours in the day – and if you’re trying to do everything yourself, your progress is likely to suffer. Not to mention, you’ll probably wind up burning yourself out… and forgetting why you love makeup in the first place!

What Things Should You Do in the New Year to Break this Habit?

To successfully break this habit, start by figuring out which tasks you should be delegating – and who you should delegate them to! Then, make sure to set up clear expectations and deadlines for each task that’s being delegated.

Also, set aside a specific amount of time each week for planning and strategizing. That way, you’ll have enough time to think about the tasks that need to get done – and how best to delegate them.

Finally, don’t be afraid to take things off your plate if they’re not essential! Learning when it’s okay to say no will help you to create more space for yourself and focus on the tasks that you actually enjoy doing.

Now, what if your makeup business is a one-person-operation and you don’t have anyone to delegate things to? In this case, you should look into outsourcing! Hiring freelancers or independent contractors can be a great way to help free up your time and delegate certain tasks.

Lastly, make sure to outsource the right tasks for you – such as administrative work or marketing – so that you can focus on the creative side of things. That way, you can still be productive without getting overwhelmed.

Bad Habit #11: Ignoring customer feedback, not listening to what they want, and being unreceptive to constructive criticism.

As a makeup artist, it’s essential to make sure that you’re listening to your customers and taking their feedback into consideration. After all, they’re the ones who are going to be using your services. So, it only makes sense to take their opinion into account.

Furthermore, the beauty industry is one where being able to take constructive criticism is VITAL for your success. If you’re not able to accept and learn from it, then you’ll never be able to grow and improve as an artist. Not to mention, you’ll likely gain a poor reputation for being unprofessional.

What Things Should You Do in the New Year to Break this Habit?

To break this bad business habit, start by creating a feedback system that allows customers to share their thoughts and opinions. Then, make sure to take the time to actually listen and respond to what they have to say. Even if it’s not necessarily something you agree with or want to hear, try your best to remain open-minded and be receptive.

Finally, be sure to thank customers for their feedback – even if it’s negative – and show that you’re taking it seriously. This will help to build trust and ensure they know their opinion matters.

PRO TIP: Check out this helpful article to learn the difference between constructive criticism vs. insults – as well as tips for receiving and giving constructive feedback!

Bad Habit #12: Failing to take risks.

When it comes to makeup artistry, being able to take risks and experiment can be incredibly helpful for your career. After all, stepping outside of your comfort zone can help you to grow and develop new skills that will set you apart from the competition. However, if you’re not taking any bold steps or trying something new – then chances are your work will remain stagnant and you’ll miss out on opportunities.

What Things Should You Do in the New Year to Break this Habit?

To break this bad habit, start by committing to taking at least one risk every month. This could be anything from trying out a new technique to taking on a daring project. Just make sure it’s something that pushes you out of your comfort zone!

Additionally, make an effort to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and news in the makeup industry. That way, you’ll be more informed about what types of risks might pay off. Finally, remember that taking risks doesn’t guarantee success – but it does give you a better chance of achieving something amazing.

So, stay positive and keep pushing yourself!

Bad Habit #13: Not asking for help when you need it.

One common downfall of an entrepreneur is the misconception that you need to be able to do it all – from marketing to accounting and everything in-between. However, it’s important to remember that you don’t have to be superhuman – and it’s totally okay to ask for help!

What Things Should You Do in the New Year to Break this Habit?

To kick this bad habit, start by reaching out to your network and letting people know that you’re looking for assistance. You’d be surprised how many people are willing to lend a helping hand! Additionally, think about hiring an assistant or virtual assistant to help with tasks like scheduling and customer service. That way, you can focus on the creative side of your business without getting overwhelmed.

Finally, don’t forget to take advantage of all the amazing online resources available, such as tutorials and online courses. In turn, you’ll be able to develop the skills you need – without needing anyone else’s help!

Are you currently a QC Makeup Academy student? Our Student Support Team is always available to help with any questions or concerns you have! Simply contact them by phone, email, and/or live chat!

Professional makeup artist working with young bride at home, closeup. Bad business habits article.

Bad Habit #14: Letting negative thoughts derail your goals.

As an artist, it’s normal to experience a bit of self-doubt now and then. However, letting negative thoughts go unchecked can quickly lead to a spiral of despair that derails your progress and make it difficult to move forward.

What Things Should You Do in the New Year to Break this Habit?

The first step is being aware of your thoughts and the words you use when talking about yourself. Whenever you catch yourself in a negative thought cycle, take a step back and reframe it into something more positive and empowering.

Remind yourself of all the things you’ve accomplished so far, as well as any successes that have come from taking risks or stepping outside your comfort zone. Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends and mentors. Having a support system can make it much easier to stay focused on your goals and keep the negative thoughts at bay.

By breaking this bad habit in the New Year, you’ll be able to focus more of your energy on what’s important – creating amazing makeup looks!

Bad Habit #15: Not investing in yourself and your business.

Finally, our last bad business habit to leave in 2022 is not investing in yourself and your business. Whether it’s not taking the time to attend workshops and seminars or neglecting to upgrade your equipment, failing to invest in yourself can quickly lead to burnout and stagnation.

What Things Should You Do in the New Year to Break this Habit?

In the New Year, start by setting aside a budget (no matter how small) for investing in yourself and your business.

Put aside money for workshops, online courses, or even a new piece of equipment to help you uplevel your artistry. Additionally, consider volunteering or interning with other makeup artists. Not only will you learn valuable skills, but you’ll also be able to expand your network!

Finally, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Invest in self-care activities like getting a massage, going for a walk, or even just taking some time to relax and recharge.

By breaking this bad habit in the New Year, you’ll be able to stay motivated and work towards creating amazing looks with confidence!

Frequently Asked Questions

Before we wrap things up, let’s take a look at some frequently asked questions related to breaking bad business habits in the New Year.

Q: What 3 habits of an entrepreneur can most negatively impact entrepreneurial growth?

A: Three of the biggest habits that can most negatively impact entrepreneurial growth include:

  1. Procrastination;
  2. Spending too much time on unproductive tasks;
  3. And not investing in yourself and your business.

Q: What are the top 5 bad habits that will negatively affect your makeup career?

A: The top 5 bad habits that can negatively affect your makeup career include:

  1. Not setting clear and achievable goals;
  2. Failing to market yourself and promote your work;
  3. Staying stuck in the same style instead of trying new things;
  4. Letting negative thoughts derail you;
  5. And not investing in yourself and your business.

Q: How can you identify “bad” career habits?

A: To identify “bad” career habits, it’s important to take a step back and look at your current workflow. Ask yourself if any of the following applies to you:

  • Do you procrastinate or lack motivation?
  • Are you stuck in your comfort zone instead of taking risks?
  • Do you struggle with time management or setting clear goals?
  • Are you neglecting to invest in yourself and your work?

If the answer is yes to any of these questions, it’s likely that you have developed some bad career habits. Fortunately, by identifying them and taking steps to break them in the New Year, you can reignite your passion for makeup artistry!

Q: How can you track your progress so that you know if you’re actually improving your bad career habits?

A: One of the best ways to track your progress is to keep a journal and write down your thoughts, feelings, and successes. Additionally, you can create a vision board or set measurable goals for yourself that you can work toward each week.

Moreover, there are also ways that you can gather stats and data to measure your progress. For instance, you can track the number of followers you have on social media or analyze how many bookings you’re getting each month. By tracking these metrics, you can easily see where your bad business habits are hindering your success and adjust accordingly!

PRO TIP: Here are 12 business metrics that EVERY business owner should know and keep track of, courtesy of Scoro!

Bad business habits to leave in 2022 5

So, What Would YOU Improve in 2023 and Beyond?

Now that you know how to break your bad habits, the only thing left is for you to start taking action! Set yourself up for success by investing in yourself and your business, expanding your network, and taking time for self-care. With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to create amazing artwork and reach new heights of success in no time.

Good luck and Happy New Year, beauties!

Start the New Year on the best foot possible by getting professionally trained and internationally-certified as a makeup artist! Enroll with QC Makeup Academy and earn globally-recognized certification in as little as 8 short weeks!