Nadia Calabro, Author at QC Makeup Academy
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Nadia Calabro

Makeup career article, June 09 2021, Feature Image

My Makeup Career During COVID

By Career Advice, Makeup Careers, QC Student Ambassador 2 Comments

Dream of starting a makeup career – but worried that COVID will hurt your success? This is a very common concern, but one that should NOT deter you from pursuing your goals! Today, QC Makeup Academy‘s Student Ambassador, Nadia Calabro, is here to discuss how the pandemic has affected her journey… and how she’s been overcoming the challenges she’s faced!

Makeup career article, June 09 2021, Nadia Calabro photo

A Little About Me

My name is Nadia Calabro. I’m a graduate and Student Ambassador of QC Makeup Academy. I’ve graduated from the Master Makeup Artistry Course, the Pro Makeup Workshop, and the Skincare Course. Each one of these classes gave me a different set of tools to ensure a successful career.

I was living my dream and felt on top of the world… But then the world around me literally fell apart, and down I went with it! If you haven’t figured out the villain of my story yet, I’m of course talking about the big, bad COVID pandemic!

My Makeup Career Before COVID

Before the pandemic, I was in the midst of an uphill climb to the top of my industry. I had just opened my own freelance business, Beauty Beyond the Mirror, and my name was getting out there more and more with each passing day.

When I first graduated from QC Makeup Academy, I was at the top of my game. I was getting booked consistently; having clients in my chair through the week, every week! I’d even landed my dream spot at a beautiful boutique-style salon where I was able to offer my services!

Moreover, I was participating in photoshoots and designing my own. I was booked for weddings, as well as all kinds of different special events. My skincare training through QC had also allowed me to add skincare consulting to my service menu. As a result, I was helping woman get their skin back to health! I was offering specialized facial services to help woman and young teens take care of their skin.

Most importantly, I had even begun teaching woman how to apply everyday makeup looks to themselves, through just a few easy steps and by using products that worked for them.

Makeup artist applying eyeshadow on model

Then Came the Pandemic…

As I write this part, it’s hard not to feel consumed with sadness… because just as quickly as my makeup career started, it felt like it had all suddenly fallen apart!

When COVID first hit, I was still working. At first, people were still celebrating special milestones and events. As such, my calendar was filling up! I’ll be honest: I was grateful in the beginning to still be working, but I was admittedly pretty nervous, too. In the back of my mind, I knew that the worst was yet to come.

So, I was trying to do as much as I could, in whatever time I was being given.  Then the ever-so-dreaded reality of what I knew was coming finally happened… Ontario (where I live) entered its first provincial lockdown.

As a result, we were confined to our homes. Schools were closed, businesses were forced to shut their doors, and we were unable to be with our families – let alone our clients. There was nothing to be done but stay at home, and ride out the tidal wave that was going to wash away life as we knew it.

At first, the lockdown was only support to last for two weeks. We were all told that we would recover and come out stronger. But this turned out not to be the case. Instead, the tidal wave quickly turned into a tsunami! Instead of recovering, we got completely wiped out. Two weeks wound up turning into three months.

With each passing day, everyone grew too scared to carry on with their regular lives. People were no longer celebrating anything – and makeup services became practically nonexistent.

Entering The Second Lockdown

Before we could even get back on our feet, we entered our second provincial lockdown. Once again, it felt like we were all brought to our knees. Faced with the prospect of yet another few months of forced closures, everyone’s hopes were dwindling by the second.

The thing is: when that second lockdown finally got lifted, life never really went back to normal. While everything else was running as usual, makeup services were still not allowed. This was because only services that involved wearing a face mask were permitted – and, of course, makeup doesn’t fall into that category.

But that was my ENTIRE career! Thus, not only could I not do makeup; I also couldn’t do facials or skin consulting either. Needless to say, I was devastated. And just like the song that never ends, Ontario wound up going into a third stay-at-home order. While it was eventually lifted as of June 2nd, it still feels unclear as to what the next plan of action for our province will be at this time.

I’ll be up front with you… It’s been hard not to give into the temptation of raising a white flag in defeat. There were many times I almost did. But ultimately, I chose not to – and here’s why…

Sad young woman looking out window

Almost Giving Up On My Makeup Career

Let me start by saying that if you’re reading this and have been (or are currently in) a similar situation, my heart goes out to you. Truly. Personally, I have experienced some of my lowest lows over the last year and a half. So, I know the struggle is real. That feeling of helplessness is a weight that’s hard to carry. Furthermore, the realization that you are powerless in your own journey is a very hard pill to swallow.

I’ve had many days where I thought to myself, “That is it! I’m accepting that my time is done, my makeup career is over, and I’m going to find something else to do with myself!”

However, each time I thought of sending a goodbye message to my clients and followers, I just couldn’t do it. It wasn’t only the fear of letting myself and my family down. Moreover, it wasn’t only the fear of not finding something else to support my family.

Ultimately, I knew that I’d never be able to find anything else that made me as happy.

Now that I’m out of the darkness and some light is finally shining in, I realize that what was stopping me from giving up was my passion. That, and the fact that I knew my makeup career wasn’t done yet. Heck, it had hardly even started! I had so much that I still wanted to share with the world; so much I wanted to prove to myself.

How could I turn my back on it all now?

Choosing to Push Forward

So, I shook off the idea of giving up! I told myself to stand tall and be better than what was bringing me down. Yes, the reality still remained that I couldn’t use other people’s faces as my canvas… But I could still use my own!

What’s more, I could try new looks on myself and perfect my art before I entered the working world again – and man oh man, have I been doing that! Instead of seeing my newfound free time as a curse, I’ve started seeing it as a blessing. After all, I can use it to get creative, test my limits, and experiment with areas in makeup I never tried before.

Finding the Silver Linings

I’ve also taken the time to go back over all of my books and videos from my QC Makeup Academy courses! Working in the real world after graduating, I knew there were bad habits I’d picked up again. So, refreshing myself has allowed me to break those habits and bring my skills and makeup approach back to the basics.

Furthermore, I’ve also focused on connecting with artists on social media, in order to build professional relationships that I can potentially benefit from in the future. I’ve reached out to people that I knew were holding off on getting married, and have offered my services to them when the time comes. Importantly, I made a conscious choice to not let people forget my name the way I had forgotten it myself!

Ultimately, I know that all this practice and rewiring of my skills will only make me better in the future. As a result, I’ve now allowed myself to appreciate this time I’ve been given. I’ve allowed myself to be thankful for the temporary pause in my makeup career, because now I can watch and appreciate each brush stroke on my face. I can appreciate the wonders of what I can create, rather than just doing it to get the job done.

Once I slowed down, I realized that I had begun to apply makeup through habit – and not appreciating the art. But not anymore! Instead, I’ve fallen in love with makeup all over again!

Makeup career article, last in-post image, woman applying makeup to her own face at home

Getting My Makeup Career Back on Track

Over the last year and a half, I’d been feeling as though I no longer had a lot to offer anyone in this industry. I’d even convinced myself that I had nothing to offer the current and future students of QC Makeup Academy, in terms of being a Student Ambassador, because I was so defeated at one point.

But with new perspectives, everything seems so much clearer to me now! I love giving people advice on their techniques and skills; helping them to evaluate their looks and better themselves. And I will continue to do that! But for now, I am choosing to use my voice for something else.

Today, I am choosing to use my voice to tell anyone who feels like I did to straighten their backs, stand tall, and look up and onward. Life before COVID was great, but the future can be even better. The only way that anything has power over you is if you allow it… So, choose to be stronger!

Food for Thought

Choose to make the best of the worst possible situation and come out with guns blazing. The global pandemic took a lot – and this is a fact the whole world is a united front on. But COVID doesn’t have to be the element that takes your dreams away, too.

You are the same person you were before COVID, and you can find that person again. Start by picking up your makeup brushes and creating a masterpiece on your own face. Then look in the mirror and remind yourself why you started doing this in the first place.

Finally, grab onto that dream that was buried by darkness. Hold on tight, never let go, and get ready for a lifelong ride. Yes, it might start off bumpy… but it’s sure to land on beautiful, calm roads!

Start YOUR makeup career in as little as 3-6 months by getting trained and certified from the comfort of home with QC Makeup Academy!

how to become a makeup artist article, nadia calabro, mar 26 2021, feature image

How to Become a Makeup Artist During COVID-19: 5 Ways to Get Your Name Out There!

By Career Advice, QC Student Ambassador, Student Ambassador, Your Makeup Career 3 Comments

Wondering how to become a makeup artist during the COVID-19 global pandemic? QC Makeup Academy’s Student Ambassador, Nadia Calabro, is here to help! Nadia is a graduate of QC’s Master Makeup Artistry Course, Pro Makeup Workshop, and Skincare Course.

Today, she reveals her Top 5 Tips to help you get your name out there in the industry.

how to become a makeup artist article nadia calabro mar 26 2021 in-post image

Competition in the Makeup Industry

It goes without saying that the professional world of makeup artistry is a competitive one. It seems like nowadays, there’s a makeup artist on every corner! Makeup has always had a big place in the world. From the beginning of time, women and men alike have been using it to enhance their beauty in some way.

But like with everything else, the world of makeup has evolved. It’s never been as big as it is now! One of the main reasons for this is social media and the thousands upon thousands of influencers who use it. As a result, people are encouraged to dig deep into their creative side and take a chance on this career. The younger generation is likewise becoming inspired, too.

It’s a lot more common these days for the love of makeup to eventually blossom into a professional career. Thus, more and more people are entering the beauty industry. This means that they’re also creating an abundance of competition!

But Competition is a GOOD Thing!

That being said, don’t be intimidated by your competition. In an industry like this, there’s room for everyone. The key is knowing how to get your name out there.

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to do this! Okay, let me rephrase that… There WERE a lot of ways to get in your name out there. You know, before COVID.

I guess I don’t have to state the obvious elephant in the room. But just in case someone still needs to know, we are currently in the middle of a global pandemic. With the constant lockdowns and social distancing measures in place, it’s harder to showcase your skills without having anyone to physically work on.

But don’t fret, my friends! Yes, what I am about to say may seem like it’s meant for people living in a different world. But that’s because one day, all of the points listed below will be valid again. So, if you want to stand out from the rest, grab a pen and take notes!

makeup products on table

How to Become a Makeup Artist: 5 Tips for Getting Your Name Out There

1. Get Properly Educated!

Don’t rely on social media videos and trends to take you places. That’s not the same as a legitimate education from a reputable makeup school. Instead, learn how to do basic and proper makeup applications. The right knowledge will allow you to take your skill-set anywhere!

2. Dig Deep and Learn About Yourself!

Find the areas where you excel and specialize in those. Having a niche that you dominate in will grab people’s attention. As a result, they WILL want to work with you!

3. Believe in Yourself and Take Chances!

No one ever got noticed by sitting on the sidelines. Right from the get-go, put yourself out there. Is it possible to fail? Of course – but no one has ever fully succeeded without failing at least a little first.

Don’t let your fear of failure get in your way. Confidence is a huge part of success. So, walk into all jobs knowing you CAN and you WILL do great!

i can't message on paper being cut into i can

4. Let Your Creativity Shine!

Get those creative juices flowing and be original. It doesn’t take much to be a copycat. I mean, really, we can all recreate something. But it takes TRUE skill and passion to be original. It’s easy to fly past posts on social media that all look the same. But how many people will stop and stare when there is something they’ve never seen before?

Be that something!

5. Proactively Network!

Make smart and meaningful connections that will expand your business and enhance it. Makeup artists are needed in a lot of different areas. Once you connect with the right people, they can share and promote your name to get you more business.

For example, it’s always a great idea to connect with a hair salon or hairstylist. This way, whenever they have a client who has a special event, they can recommend you to do their makeup. Another good networking opportunity is to find a photographer. They could be willing to promote your services to their brides. Maybe they’ll even be willing to collaborate with you on a stylized photo shoot, which will definitely help you get your work out there.

Build a team of like-minded people around you that will motivate you and help you to succeed!

makeup artist working on client with hair stylist

Getting Your Name Out There During COVID-19

Listen, I’m not blind to the effect COVID-19 has been having on the beauty industry. Like you, I am right smack in the middle of the mess; pretty much just trying to pick up the pieces. I know we can fall into the trap of letting it all weigh us down.

But the truth is, this is not the end. When we push aside all the things we cannot do, we’ll discover that there are still many things we can do. One of the things the pandemic has taken away is our ability to socialize. Since there aren’t a whole lot of events, weddings, or large celebrations taking place, the need for professional makeup applications has decreased.

Turn That Frown Upside-Down!

But sitting around and feeling defeated isn’t going to do you any good! Why not use this time to create awesome looks for future weddings and special events? Why not maximize your social media presence to promote these looks, so people can get hyped for the future?

You can easily create these looks on yourself. Moreover, you can use the people who are in your immediate social circle as models (so long as they agree, of course). Without having a constant flow of clients to showcase your work, now is the time to get more comfortable with allowing people to see the face behind the name.

As for makeup artists, our clients’ faces are always the focal point of our business. But it may surprise you to know that people like to put a real person behind all the social media hype. Being able to know who the person providing the service is – before booking an appointment – adds a sense of comfort and familiarity.

So, create videos where you speak about your love and passion for what you do! Express what being a makeup artist means to you and what you hope to give back to your clients. You can also create tutorials, demonstrating how you apply makeup to your own face.

When you let your followers – or better yet, your potential clients – into your world, you establish trust even before the first encounter! Your hands-on work is what used to speak for you. Now we live in a world where you have to adapt. Allow your knowledge to show people that you are more than just a brush to a face!

woman holding out her hand, introducing herself

How to Become a Makeup Artist in 2021

Starting a new career is always a scary thing. But once you have made the choice to become a makeup artist, there a few simple steps you can follow that will help jump-start a very successful future!

Tip #1: Make sure you’re choosing this career because you love it.

I know it sounds cliché, but the beauty industry can be pretty cutthroat. Your skin must be thick to overcome every obstacle. You’ll be faced with many “no’s”, a lot of, “Can you redo this?”, and plenty of, “I don’t like that”.

When your heart is truly in the work that you do, it’s easier to look past the negatives and focus on the positives. Personally, I had to teach myself to see every comment as constructive criticism. That way, I could use it as fuel to become better.

Tip #2: Research the average makeup artist income in your area.

How much does a makeup artist make where you’re living? This is important information to know.

In a perfect world, our careers would be based solely on what we love to do. The money would never be a factor. But the reality is, we don’t live in a world where we can work for free. So, make sure the salary is something that actually works for you!

Look online to see the different makeup artist job opportunities that are currently available in your area. For each job you find, make sure the qualifications are required. Once that’s done, research into the different makeup artists currently operating in your town/city. What sort of services do they offer? How much are they charging?

For me, seeking out my competition gave me a lot of good ideas for my own business. I was better able to determine the things I wanted to do for my own business, as well as the things I didn’t.

woman on laptop watching makeup tutorial

Tip #3: Get the proper education.

Yes, I know I said this already. But it’s so important that I’m going to say it again!

These days, in a world dominated by social media and influencers, there are many people who call themselves “trained” artists… but have never taken a legitimate makeup class in their life. Don’t become just another social media artist.

Take a reputable course and learn everything there is to be learned about our industry. Build your skills and knowledge, to the point that the sky becomes the limit. I’d received a makeup certificate through beauty school. At first, I thought that was enough. But once I was really in it, I realized that there was SO much I didn’t know.

Equip yourself for the world beyond the computer screen. Professional makeup artistry is, after all, done in 3-D. Trust me, you will thank yourself later! In fact, this ties into my next tip, which is…

Tip #4: Find the right makeup school.

Research into different makeup academies and make sure the one you choose is a reputable one. Go to their website and confirm their credentials. If they’re a trustworthy school, they will be accredited in some way.

Next, review their course outline(s). Make sure you’ll be learning everything that you need and want. After that, see if they’ve got any reviews from past and present students. This will help you get a feel for the kind of experience you can expect and what you could be able to accomplish.

In my case, the only other thing I needed to consider was how I was going to learn while still being a mom to my children. So, I had to make sure I was going with the best online school – one that could give me flexibility, without jeopardizing my education.

For me, there was no doubt that QC Makeup Academy was the one!

ready set go

Tip #5: Don’t be afraid to dive right in.

Practice makes perfect. In our industry, hands-on training is key! So, build your confidence by first believing in yourself. Once you’ve done that, start putting your craft to the test!

As soon as I could, I brought in family and friends to practice on. I made sure to get exposure to different facial structures and tones. This way, I had a variety of pictures for my portfolio! Moreover, I could expand my capabilities, which I knew would allow me to work on a much larger variety of clients in the future.

Once COVID-19 lockdowns went into effect, I made sure to keep up with my practice by working on myself. I began using my own face to try a wide range of different looks and techniques!

Tip #6: Create different social media platforms.

You should also create a business website, too. These things will help you to connect with people and showcase who/what you’re all about.

Pick an aesthetic that’s uninformed, appealing to the audience, and aligns with your brand. Most people gravitate to pages that have a collective look and feel. So, pick a color scheme and stick to it! Your pages should be a reflection of who you are as a person and an artist. Moreover, it should scream out to your target audience.

You want the people that visit your page to know what you specialize in, without necessarily having to read anything. I always try to share posts through my social media and website that are both professional and personal. Even a business page can be a reflection of yourself.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to be showing your face, however. Rather, you could always share motivational quotes that inspire you, ways you honor self-care for yourself, etc. Basically, little personal touches that give your audience insight into who you are. I make sure that I am a little piece of each post so that I remember to always stay original!

how to become a makeup artist article, nadia calabro, mar 26 2021, last in-post image

Thank you for reading along! I hope I could be of some help to you. If you’d like to connect, I can always be found in the Virtual Classroom on Facebook. Please also feel free to leave a comment below. I would love to hear your feedback and I’m always happy to answer any questions you may have!

Become a makeup artist in as little as 3-6 months by enrolling with QC Makeup Academy today!

Woman showing makeup on camera

What It’s Like To Be a QC Makeup Academy Student Ambassador

By About the School, Student Ambassador No Comments

Nadia Calabro is a graduate of QC’s Master Makeup Artistry Course, Pro Makeup Workshop, and Skincare Course. Today, she reveals what it’s like to be a Student Ambassador for QC Makeup Academy!

woman giving thumbs up

What is a Student Ambassador?

In a nutshell, a Student Ambassador is a student or alumnus that has been chosen to represent their school. They will often act as the ‘middle person’; bridging any gaps between current/prospective students and the institution itself. A Student Ambassador will also be there to help answer questions, share their own experience, and help promote the school to others.

Being chosen as a Student Ambassador for QC Makeup Academy is both a privilege and a rewarding job. When you’re selected for this role, you are being entrusted with the responsibility of upholding the school’s reputation, its brand, and its message. You become the face behind the name, thereby bringing the school come to life and making it all the more relatable to other people.

Why I Wanted to Become a Student Ambassador

When I saw that QC Makeup Academy had launched its very own Student Ambassador program, I knew right away that I wanted in! It’s no secret that I’m completely in love with QC’s makeup certification courses. I’m even more in love with the amazing community that has been built around this school.

Personally, I’ve learned so much through my studies at QC. My experience with the staff, students, and the training itself was all incredible. I wanted to use this platform as a way to share my experience with everyone! As a Student Ambassador, I knew I’d be able to connect with my fellow students (as well as potential students) in a meaningful way. I’d be part of a safe place where students – and even staff – could go for advice, support, and encouragement.

Perks of Being a QC Makeup Academy Student Ambassador

Joining the Affiliate Program

Once QC Makeup Academy selects you to become a Student Ambassador, you will automatically be approved for their Affiliate Program. Perhaps you’ve heard this term before, but never quite understood what it really meant. Basically, though, it means this:

The Affiliate Program gives you the opportunity to earn money through your own website and social media platforms. You sign up for the program through QC’s website. Once approved, you’re provided with your very own Affiliate link. From there, all you need to do is choose a banner and then add it to your website and/or social media pages.

Once this done, QC does the rest of the work for you! If someone follows your Affiliate link and then chooses to enroll with QC sometime within 90 days after that, you’ll earn a $50 commission! QC monitors the referrals themselves and pays you for them – so you can quite literally set it and forget it.

It’s one of the easiest ways to make a bit of extra money. Plus, becoming an Affiliate member also designates you as being a partner of one of the world’s largest online makeup schools! Being a part of this program helps both you and QC Makeup Academy by generating more traffic to your website, while also promoting and advertising the school.

It’s a win-win for everyone!

Desk with Computer and Makeup Tools

Creating Original Content

As a Student Ambassador, there will be another way for you to make money. Every month, QC will assign you your very own content creation project! These projects typically require you to write a blog article or film a YouTube video.

Once QC has received your final product and approves it for publishing, you’re then compensated for your work. While most of your projects will be created for the purpose of being published on one of QC’s platforms, this isn’t always the case.

One specific perk of being an Ambassador is that QC Makeup Academy is dedicated to helping you grow your own original business content, too. For instance, if you want to add a blog to your website, they’ll specifically give you projects here and there that are meant to be published on YOUR platform. The same goes with YouTube videos, IGTV videos, etc.

No Experience? No Problem!

The idea of writing blogs and/or filming videos might seem intimidating – especially if you have no prior experience.

But don’t let this deter you! For starters, you have the freedom to choose if you’d prefer one type of project over another. If you love writing and have no interest in making videos, for instance, simply let QC know this and they’ll only assign you writing projects.

Furthermore, prior experience is NOT mandatory. Some of QC’s current Student Ambassadors were completely new to blog writing and video making, too. QC’s team makes sure to provide you with ample resources to guide you onto the right path, strengthen your writing and video skills, etc. Plus, whenever you’re assigned a project, you’re given a thorough PDF breakdown containing everything you need to know, abide by, and keep in mind for that particular project.

These content creation projects are an amazing opportunity to gain free knowledge, and refine your writing and vlogging skills. You can easily use these skills in your own business – or any job you’re applying to, for that matter!

Woman applying makeup on camera

Building Your Skill-Set

When you create the content creation projects mentioned above, there are many other skills you’ll develop along the way. These skills will not only be directly applicable throughout your career – they’ll set you up for even more success in the long run!

Firstly, your content creation projects will make you more organized and better capable of planning out strategies. As a Student Ambassador, your ideas and work must be properly thought-out, from Point A to Point Z. This is the only way to guarantee the success of your project.

Putting in minimal effort simply won’t cut it. So, you push yourself to always do the best you possibly can. By adopting this mentality early on, you’re setting the standard within yourself for your future career as a makeup artist. You’ll have high expectations for yourself and work diligently to meet them.

Being an Ambassador will also strengthen your professionalism and people skills. When working as a Student Ambassador, you’ll regularly deal with QC Makeup Academy employees, current student, potential students, and alumni.  You’ll need to conduct yourself in a professional manner in order to maintain your position and represent the QC name effectively.

All of this will make you better equipped for the real world – as well as achieving your own business endeavors – once you start working in the field!

networking on social media


As a Student Ambassador for QC Makeup Academy, you’ll get to meet countless new people within your industry. You’ll build friendships and professional networking opportunities. Ultimately, this will allow you to expand your business in ways you might not have been able to before.

There are also Focus Groups, which I think is particularly awesome. In these Focus Groups, you get to chat in real time with your fellow Ambassadors, share your input and ideas, give feedback on current courses, and even provide suggestions for courses you’d like to see in the future!

This is your opportunity to start shedding YOUR light on the industry while getting professional, meaningful feedback!

My Personal Experience as a QC Makeup Academy Student Ambassador

Being a Student Ambassador has been such a great experience for me! I’ve learned so much that I’m confident will help me in my career as a makeup artist and beauty expert. For instance, I’d always wanted to start my own blog, but I didn’t know where or how to do this.

Then I became an Ambassador for QC. Their support and guidance, combined with the experience I’ve been gaining, has given me the confidence to finally build my own business blog!

I also never used to feel comfortable or confident enough to show the person behind the screen. But as an Ambassador, I’ve pushed myself to film videos for my own business, just as a way to practice for the videos I’d be tasked to do for QC Makeup Academy.

Well, guess what? These videos I created for my business have since attracted a LOT more network connections and clientele to me!

Being an ambassador has given me a different voice in QC’s Virtual Classroom on Facebook as well. People now come to me and listen to my advice and experiences, because they can trust that I will be totally open and honest with them. The lessons I have been taught through QC will always be my favorite. I know they will take me to many great places, both personally and professionally.

How to Become a Student Ambassador

Now that I have spiked your curiosity, here’s how to actually become a QC Student Ambassador…

  • Complete at least half of your QC course, or be a graduate.
  • Maintain an average of B+ or higher in your course.
  • Head here and read over the Student Ambassador guidelines.
  • Submit your application.
  • From there, the QC Student Ambassador Program Manager, Sarah Seguin, will contact you. If all looks well with the application, you will be invited to have a virtual interview.
  • Following this virtual interview, you’ll be required to submit a writing and/or video sample for review.
  • Once all the steps have been completed, you’ll be notified within 24-48 hours and told whether you’re being offered the position.

If you’re now ready to submit your Student Ambassador application, I wish you the best of luck. Maybe we’ll get to work together someday! 💕

Not yet a QC Makeup Academy student? Check out our wide variety of hair and beauty courses and enroll today!

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The Makeup Artist Salary: What to Expect in 2021

By Student Ambassador, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Thinking of becoming a professional MUA in 2021, but want to know what sort of makeup artist salary you can expect?

QC Student Ambassador and alumnus, Nadia Calabro, is here to tell you what salary projections look like for the upcoming year – as well as 7 factors that could affect your income!

New Year, New Start

2021 is finally upon us, and I cannot be alone in saying, good riddance to 2020! Last year was challenging in so many aspects! The last time we made a blog post like this, we were predicting 2020’s makeup artist salary. But at that time, no one could’ve guessed that a global pandemic was about to strike.

COVID-19 certainly had a profound impact on the world of professional makeup artists. Business practices that we had been accustomed to for so long were suddenly pulled from under our feet. Thanks to social distancing, we were forced to adapt to a new way of working – or face the prospect of losing everything!

At first, it seemed like the worst possible thing that could have happened. It was easy to become discouraged. Many of us considered that perhaps there was no point in continuing on in what seemed like a predominantly hands-on industry. But once we all took a step back and reevaluated, we realized that this situation was actually a strange kind of blessing.

makeup artist wearing face mask and applying makeup to female client

Turning a Negative Situation into a Positive One

The time off many of us suddenly had provided the chance for us to build a new mindset and a stronger game plan. We’ve been able to do more in-depth research into our industry and competitors and gain the tools we need to grow in our communities. We got the opportunity to put more focus in the education behind our business; taking new courses and furthering our training in order to enhance our skills and offer new things to our clients.

On top of all that, we’ve learned how to carry our business through an unprecedented time. For many of us, this has given us the confidence to believe that we can take our business anywhere! Everything that we learned throughout 2020 laid down the stepping stones and support to help us subsequently make it through 2021 in a much more successful way.

Even if COVID-19 does stick around for the unforeseeable future, it no longer needs to hurt our careers!

The Makeup Artist Salary in 2021

If you’re thinking about becoming a working MUA this year, chances are one of the top questions on your mind is: “What sort of makeup artist salary can I expect to make in 2021, with the pandemic still going on?”

It’s important to say here and now that there is no cut-and-dry answer to this question. The most I can offer are projections, based on current numbers. The future is uncertain, and there’s always the chance that the makeup artist salary in 2021 can be higher or lower than what’s currently predicted.

Not to mention, it’s difficult to nail down the makeup artist’s salary in general. This has been the case long before the pandemic began. For example, two artists living in the same area can find themselves making completely different yearly salaries!

This is a profession where there are a LOT of additional factors that can influence and determine how much you can make as a professional makeup artist. So, let’s take a look at 7 of the most common ones!

1. Location

Every country has an average makeup artist salary range per year. That average also tends to varies within the different parts of the country itself. For reference, here is a general breakdown of the average makeup artists salary from a few different parts of the world…

  • Canada: Average of approx. $42,278 CAD annually
  • United States: Average of approx. $47,917 USD annually
  • United Kingdom: Average of approx. £20,000 GBP annually
  • New Zealand: Average of approx. $38,800 NZD annually
  • Australia: Average of approx. $52,650 AUD annually

It’s important to also remember that this is a general breakdown of the country. Whereabouts you are living within the country will also make a difference in your makeup artist salary. For instance, people living and/or working in major cities in these countries can – and often will – charge more for their services than MUAs in smaller towns. Therefore, makeup artists residing in larger cities often land on the higher end of the salary scale.

2. Training

In today’s world, most people feel they don’t need to pay to get properly certified in any area of their industry. This is especially true for aspiring makeup artists. With easy access to online makeup tutorials, most people think that with enough practice, they can learn enough to become a working professionals.

Now, while this is very possible, most don’t realize that just because you can mimic a look does NOT mean you have a legitimate skill-set. Without properly learning the foundation, techniques, and theories involved in makeup artistry, you’ll only ever be left with the ability to copy other people. You’ll never be able to create authentic, original work that is both technically correct and foundationally sound.

Without professional training, you lack an understanding of the basic concepts and makeup techniques needed to truly succeed. A proper makeup education will allow you to take on any job since you’ll have the knowledge and training necessary to accomplish whatever your client is asking for!

makeup brushes in container on table

3. Services Offered (or Not Offered)

As makeup artists, we can all find our very own niche. Our niche can be used to our advantage, in order to make our services all the more unique. This can potentially attract more clientele, which means a higher makeup artist salary.

This goes hand-in-hand with having professional training. The more training you have, the more areas of makeup you know!

That being said, while it’s important to find that part of ourselves, it’s also important to remember that our niche is not the be-all and end-all of our capabilities. Rather, a niche is an area that we have passion and excel in – but it’s not the only thing we can do!

If we only offer one area of service, we’re limited to how much income we can make. Take bridal makeup, for example. This can be a very lucrative area of business – but it also has its slower times of the year. If you only offer bridal makeup services, then during the quiet seasons, you won’t bring in nearly as much of an income.

The more you offer, the more you’ll be noticed. This, in turn, means a better bottom line for your business!

4. Your Target Audience

With every niche comes a target audience. After all, not every style or area of makeup is for everyone. When you determine your niche, you must also determine who the people are that will be looking for an artist like you. Once you’ve determined your target audience, you’ll need to find a way to grab their attention. So, make sure you’re advertising your business in ways that they’ll appreciate – and most of all, notice.

makeup artist working on male client

5. Your Business Name, Brand, Portfolio, and Website

Use all of these things to tell the story of who you are and where you see your business going. They’re meant to sell you to your audience! The stronger the sales pitch, the more clients you’ll be sure to book… which means a larger makeup artist salary!

Begin by picking a business name for yourself. This name has to be catchy, unique, and clearly identify what you offer. Next, pick a brand that identifies the services you offer, as well as your sense of style! After that, make sure that your professional portfolio and website are established, easy to find in an online search, and display everything you want your clients to see.

There are so many things that go into establishing and running a successful business! There are a few things you will need right away when first starting out.

6. Social Media Presence

Plus, there are TONS of ways you can maximize your social media game to help increase your makeup artist salary. Keep reading here to learn more!

A strong social media presence is ALWAYS critical for maintaining a solid business. By keeping active online, even during slower times when you’re not getting as many bookings, you can continue to increase your exposure and build an even stronger reputation for your company.

We live in a technological world. Everything we do revolves around social media! If you want to be known, get on social media ASAP! Build a profile that’s appealing to the eyes and shows off your style. Use all the appropriate and relevant hashtags, and add and interact with other people in your field. Most importantly, post something every day so your page is always relevant!

makeup artist filming herself on camera

7. Be Different Than the Rest

Your only limitation is your imagination, so don’t be afraid to get creative!

Offer workshops to teach people how to do their own makeup. Provide virtual services and consultations for those who can’t (or don’t want to) meet in person during the pandemic.

Do and offer things that make you stand out from the rest. Depending on where you live, there might very well be a makeup artist on every corner. Obviously, your skills, work ethic, and results will make people choose you over someone else. But it’s always a good idea to make your business stand out in other ways, too.

How to Increase Your Makeup Artist Salary in 2021

Right now, it’s still difficult for a lot of us to get in-person work. Many of us took a financial during the dreaded 2020. So, how can we make this year different and increase our income?

1. Get Professionally Trained!

If you’ve been working as a makeup artist thus far, without professional training, then there’s no better time than the present to change that. Getting professionally trained is a guaranteed way to enhance your skills, teach you new ones, and give you a certification behind your name that clients will trust!

close up of makeup artist applying eye liner to client's eye

2. Add to Your Qualifications!

Most of us still have a lot of extra time on our hands. If you’ve been thinking about taking a new course, now is the time to jump on it! You can never learn too much. With more education comes more expertise. This enables you to offer more services, and you can even charge more for your existing services, since you’ll have advanced training under your belt.

3. Develop a Specialization!

Specializing in a particular area allows you to grow and develop unmatched skills – perhaps ones that your competition does not have. This will impress clients and allow you to charge more for that unique service!

Being good at many different areas of makeup can lead to a bunch of different career paths. But if you also have a specialization in an area that you positively excel in, you’ll be able to open doors you’ve never even imagined before!

4. Adapt Your Business Online!

Interested in taking your business online but not sure where to start? Check out QC Makeup Academy’s Virtual Makeup Training mini-course!

In order to survive this trying time, we must find a new way to connect and supplement our makeup artist salary!

In the age of social distancing, i’s time to transform your business into a virtual one. This might seem impossible in our line of work, but I promise you, it is not. As I mentioned earlier, you can easily offer virtual consultations and services, as well as teach virtual classes and workshops.

high fashion model wearing makeup for photoshoot

5. Strengthen Your Online Presence and Marketing!

Use your downtime as an opportunity to learn more about effective marketing strategies, or to fix up your social media pages. Make sure that your page is speaking the same language as your business, and that it’s reaching the people you’re intending for it to. Even if you don’t have a large number of clients to post on your social media feed, find at least one thing related to your business to post each day. This will ensure that you’re still staying relevant and noticed!

6. Revisit Your Website and Portfolio!

So, take the time to go through what you have already posted. Make sure the pictures are of high quality, that information is current and correct, and that everything is a proper representation of who and what you are!

Being busy with clients is a blessing, but it sometimes leaves us neglecting other areas of our business. For example, it’s easy to forget that potential clients are still looking through our website and portfolio to see if we are the ones for them. If our website or portfolio images are out-of-date or of poor quality, this can turn a client away before you’ve even had the chance to speak with them!

7. Create a Client Retention Program!

Create a rewards program, a referral program, and/or a loyalty discount! Clients want to feel important and appreciated – not like they are just a number.

Right now, with the way the world is, there may not be a practical reason for your previous clients to come see you. This is why it’s imperative to come up with a strong client retention program that will ensure past clients WILL come back to you once they require your services again.

makeup artist taking photo of bridal client

2020 is done and gone, and with that, better times are upon us!

Being able to adapt to any situation is a part of who were are as artists. Right now, we have to adapt to the world instead of the job. But there’s nothing we can’t do if we just put in the heart and work to do so.

Who would have thought that we would be living through the times we have? When we became makeup artists, we could have never known what the future would hold for us. Running a successful business is hard, even in the best of times. But with a changing world, things quickly get even more complicated.

Make 2021 the year you follow your dreams and take the makeup industry by storm! Enroll with QC Makeup Academy today and get certified in as little as 3-6 months!

makeup products and laptop for online makeup schools

Online Makeup Schools: 11 Things to Look for When Choosing a School

By Education, Student Ambassador, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Thinking of taking an online makeup course? QC Makeup Academy Student Ambassador and alumnus, Nadia Calabro, is here to tell you the top 11 things to look for when researching online makeup schools! 

Why Are Online Makeup Schools So Popular Nowadays?

When I made the decision to go back to school and follow my dreams of becoming a professional makeup artist, I’ll admit it: I was worried. How was I supposed to be a busy mom and be able to start a new career?

In-person classes wouldn’t be possible. So, the only option I had was to look into online makeup schools. This way, I would be able to do both. I can tell, you now, with complete certainty, that was the best decision I ever made!

Through my online makeup courses, I was able to study at any time and do my work from anywhere. QC Makeup Academy gives their students two years to complete their course, so there was no pressure on me to get through my studies quickly.

The independence provided by online makeup schools is ideal for anyone who:

  • Has a busy lifestyle
  • Doesn’t have access to brick-and-mortar classes
  • Learns better in a solo environment (while still being able to connect directly with their tutors and fellow classmates online)
  • Wishes to train at their own pace
  • Doesn’t want to risk exposure to COVID-19

My QC makeup courses worked for me because I never felt like I had to keep up with anyone else. If there was a unit or area that I felt I needed more time and practice with, I was able to give myself that time. That way, I could make sure that I was doing it to the best of my ability.

woman attending online makeup schools doing makeup on bed at home

Perks of Online Makeup Schools

Going back to school when you already have a full-time job – and in my case, a family as well – can seem scary. It can especially seem a bit daunting financially. One awesome thing about online makeup schools is that they’re typically much cheaper than in-person classes.

Note: Keep in mind that I can only speak to my experience with QC Makeup Academy. But when doing your research into all of your options, you’ll find this to be similar with plenty of other online makeup schools as well.

Personally, I was surprised to see that online makeup schools were actually more affordable. Some people may think that a lower tuition must mean a lower quality of schooling, but I can tell you that with the right school, this is NOT the case! Through QC Makeup Academy, I’ve received the same education – if not better – than what I would have received by attending an in-person school.

The text materials are dense and detailed; outlining each topic with extreme care and precision. There are also instructional videos to go along with each technique and lesson. I found these to be extremely easy to follow. Since they contain close-ups, you get a perfect view of the work being done.

The final step of each unit is to complete a hands-on assignment, wherein you must perform the techniques you’ve learned on a real-life model. This kind of practice not only ensures that you’re getting properly prepared to work in the real world; it’s also a perfect way for your tutor to gauge:

  • How well you’re understanding the materials
  • Where you’re strengths are
  • Where you can improve

This way, they can provide you with detailed audio feedback after each unit!

Even before the pandemic, there has always been a need for online schooling. For one reason or another, many people prefer this method of education to its physical counterpart. But as we all know, the world we live in right now is unlike any other we have ever seen.

Many of us have no option but to do as much as we can from the safety of our own homes. Without online makeup schools like QC Makeup Academy, it would be impossible right now to start building a career for ourselves. Our lives and job aspirations would be at a standstill.

online makeup schools watching online class tutorial on laptop

That Being Said…

There have always been online makeup schools, but when it comes to the internet, there have always been scammers, too. It’s critical to do your research when looking into any online makeup courses and institutions. Here are just a few shady red flags I urge you to watch out for:

1 – Suspiciously low tuition rates – remember, you get what you pay for!

For example, while QC Makeup Academy is very reasonably-priced, it’s still comparable to other online makeup schools. Don’t simply go for the online course that is cheapest! Similarly, be wary of ‘schools’ that say they can teach you everything you need to know at a suspiciously low price. This is often a big indicator that the quality of education is low, and you won’t be getting proper training.

2 – Courses that are all multiple choice quizzes and no hands-on training!

It’s always important to know the theory component of your schooling. But as a professional makeup artist, you will not be in the real world talking about makeup – you’ll be applying it. So, make sure that you enroll in an online makeup school where there is actually an emphasis on hands-on work.

3 – Needing to pay an extra fee to ‘buy’ your certification upon course completion!

This sort of school is a scam – full stop. Once you’ve paid for your course and put in all the work, there should be NO reason for you to have to pay extra in order to obtain your certificate/certifications. These should naturally be included within your course tuition.

4 – Lack of information on the school’s website!

A reputable makeup school will always have a professional website with all of the information you need. These details will be clear and properly laid out for you. It shouldn’t omit vital information or send you on a wild goose chase in order to find it on their site.

5 – No way to contact the school’s Support Team (or anyone, for that matter)!

There should always be an easy way to contact the school’s Support Team, as well as your tutors. Their responses should be reasonably quick and answer all of the questions you have.

QC Makeup Academy Beauty Buzz

6 – Lack of social media presence!

We live in a world where social media is everything. These days, nearly all reputable online makeup schools will have some sort of social media presence. If the school you’re looking into doesn’t, it might be worth it to look elsewhere.

7 – Suspicious reviews!

Fake reviews, mostly negative reviews, and no reviews at all are red flags!

When researching online makeup schools, always look into their reviews. Make sure that the reviews are credible. Pay close attentions to reviews left by current and formers students of that institution. If most of the students are reporting negative experiences, this should be a HUGE deciding factor for you.

8 – The school isn’t accredited!

This seems like an obvious one, but it’s still commonly overlooked. Just because a school has a social media page and website does NOT mean they are properly accredited. Online makeup schools that aren’t accredited are the ones you should be staying away from. So, take the time to verify this – and always go with a school that’s accredited!

What to Look For in Online Makeup Schools

I know, I know. The list we just covered seems like a lot of things to look out. Right now, you might be thinking, “Okay, so how can picking an online makeup school be a bit LESS daunting?”

Well, by knowing the criteria that all trustworthy online makeup schools SHOULD have! If the school you’re looking at provides the following 11 things, it may be the school for you!

woman sitting on couch, giving thumbs up

1 – Proper accreditation

QC Makeup Academy, for example, holds an A+ ranking from the Better Business Bureau. This is a huge selling point for any online makeup school! If they hold this kind of ranking, you know they are the real deal.

2 – How long the school’s been in business

That’s not to say that relatively new schools shouldn’t be trusted. However, online makeup schools that have been around longer tend to have a bit stronger of a reputation, more rounded out course curriculums, and a larger list of alumni.

QC Makeup Academy has been a leader in online learning since 1984! I think it’s safe to say that a school that’s been successfully running for this long and continue to hold tight to their standings is an online makeup school that works!

3 – The courses themselves are of the highest quality

The best online makeup school will offer high-quality curriculums and learning materials. They’ll ensure you get exactly what you’re paying for! For instance, when you apply to QC Makeup Academy, you receive a physical copy of your course materials (as well as online access to the electronic materials). If your course includes some sort of makeup kit, you’ll receive that in the mail, too.

The text materials are jam-packed with all of the information you’ll need throughout your career. On top of this, QC students and grads are given lifelong access to their digital course materials, tutorial videos, coursework, and tutor feedback. Having this kind of unlimited access is a HUGE benefit, as you’ll always have a place to turn when you need a:

  • Refresher on makeup techniques, theory, applications, etc.
  • Reminder on the areas you need to improve on
  • Reminder on where your strengths are

4 – You’ll receive a reputable certification or certificate upon graduating

There was one thing in particular that stood out to me about QC Makeup Academy: the fact that their certifications and certificates are internationally recognized. This means that graduates will have the ability to work internationally. Online makeup schools that can help open the doors to a wide range of job opportunities is what you should be looking for!

5 – There is some level of business training involved

If you want to start your own business someday, then logically, you’re going to need to know how to run a business. If you have no prior experience with this, online makeup schools that include a business component in their courses is a must!

QC’s courses have an optional unit entirely devoted to business training. As part of this unit, you’ll learn how to research real businesses around you in order to find comparable pricing and learn more about the local competition. You’ll also have the opportunity to plan your own business! You’ll create a business name, a target audience, and begin to build a portfolio for yourself.

While QC’s business unit is optional, I strongly recommend taking advantage of it. It’s the greatest way to prepare you to launch a successful career!

Makeup Artist, demonstrating eyebrow techniques

6 – Tutors are real, working makeup artists

This is a no-brainer! You wouldn’t study to become a doctor by training under someone whose only prior experience was binging Grey’s Anatomy, would you?

The same thought process should be applied to who you choose to learn makeup artistry from!

All of QC Makeup Academy’s tutors are industry professionals with years of experience under their belts. They have worked at makeup counters, own their own freelance businesses, have lent their expertise to fashion and award shows, and have even worked with celebrities! With this much experience behind them, there is no area that they cannot give advice on. The right tutors can prepare you for ANY path you want to take your career on!

7 – The school’s website is thorough, comprehensive, and informative

QC’s website is a perfect example! It provides in-depth information about:

  • All of their available courses;
  • The history of the school
  • Tuition rates;
  • Tutor profiles;
  • Student and grad success stories;
  • Reviews;
  • Contact information;
  • And so much more!

Everything that you need or want to know about the school is perfectly and clearly laid out.

8 – The school has some sort of social media presence (bonus points if they post original content on a regular basis!)

QC Makeup Academy can be found across all major social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, and Twitter. They have thousands of followers, and are constantly creating new, original content.

I also love how they’re always posting student/grad success stories, and sharing their work on their Instagram and Facebook. It’s great when online makeup schools appreciate and showcase the hard work of their students! It reiterates how much that school truly cares – while also allowing their students to gain more exposure and potential job opportunities!

9 – There are lots of great reviews

QC’s website reflects countless positive reviews. They also have a 4.9 rating on Facebook. It’s easy to see that the many students who have attended QC have had great success within their courses – and even more importantly, in their careers!

10 – You can easily contact the school’s Support Team

Reputable online makeup schools will have a team ready and willing to assist you, provide more information, etc. QC’s website clearly provides 3 different ways to contact their Student Support Specialist Team:

  • Email
  • Phone
  • Live chat

Support is available internationally, and is also available via social media as well. The team is known to respond promptly and thoroughly to all inquiries. With such a wide range of ways to gain support, students never feel alone. They’re always able to resolve any issue they may have quickly and with ease.

11 – You can connect with REAL students and alumni

Before investing your money into an online makeup school, you might want to first talk to real people who have enrolled, in order to find out how their experiences were. This is a smart idea, and one I highly recommend!

This is why I personally love the fact that QC Makeup Academy has a Virtual Classroom on Facebook. This is a private group where students and grads from around the world can come together and connect. It’s also a place where prospective students can go for a 2-week trial). This way, you can chat with real students, see how QC operates, and get a clear idea of whether it’s the right school for you – BEFORE spending any money!

happy woman holding up makeup brushes

Final Thoughts

Finding the right makeup school is the first step towards building the future of your dreams. In order to make sure you’re starting your journey on the right foot, put in the work. Research online makeup schools to find the best one for you!

I did my research, and I can tell you without a doubt that QC has been the best choice for me. Don’t believe me? Try it for yourself!

learn professional makeup through online makeup course

5 Game-Changing Skills I Learned From My Online Makeup Course

By Education, Student Ambassador, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Nadia Calabro is a QC Makeup Academy Student Ambassador, as well as a QC alumnus. She has graduated from the Master Makeup Artistry Course, the Pro Makeup Workshop, and the Skincare Course. She is also the proud founder of her very own makeup business, Beauty Beyond the Mirror. Today, Nadia reveals the top 5 skills she learned through her online makeup course!

I have been in the beauty industry for well over 10 years. But it was just over 2 years ago that I decided to make a change, and focus my energy into the places that made me the happiest. From there, my heart led me to makeup!

I have two young children at home, so the hardest thing for me was figuring out how I was going to get the education I needed while still being a mom. That is, until I found QC Makeup Academy! QC offered an online makeup course that had everything I needed to succeed. Most importantly, their self-paced, online learning environment gave me the freedom to pursue my training while still being with my kids.

Through QC Makeup Academy, I graduated from three different programs. Once I’d finished, I felt confident in my art and decided to open my own freelance business, Beauty Beyond the Mirror. Through my business, I have done makeup applications for special events such as graduations, engagement parties, baptisms, and photoshoots. Most recently, I’ve been given a spot on a team of professionals who do makeup for weddings.

bridal makeup

Before my Online Makeup Course

Before enrolling at QC Makeup Academy, I did have a makeup certificate through Cosmetology school. However, I never really felt like that was enough. So, I’d convinced myself that if I used that bit of knowledge, and watched YouTube tutorials on top of that, I would have everything I needed to be successful.

The thing was, each time I did an application, there was something about it that just wasn’t quite right. It wasn’t until doing my online makeup course through QC that I realized how little I actually knew.

I could go through the motions of a makeup application, but I had absolutely no technique or real knowledge. I understood very little (to nothing) about skin types, tones, undertones, or color correction. I lacked all of the fundamentals in makeup, which was ultimately causing me to be unsuccessful.

Enrolling with QC Makeup Academy

I wanted to do what made me happy, but because I had small children, I needed to find a way to do both. The only option for me was to do an online makeup course. To be honest, I didn’t even know where to begin when going down this route. What I did know was that everyone told me it was impossible.

over view of girl taking online makeup course

One day, while I was on Instagram, an ad for QC Makeup Academy popped up. I clicked the link, and from the moment I was sent to their website, I was intrigued. I read up on their online makeup course materials and who their instructors were. I also looked at past and present students, both on their website and through social media.

I knew they were the real deal!

I could have never known how incredible these classes would be. The text material and videos were so detailed, that I didn’t feel like I missed out on anything I would have learned in a physical classroom. The assignments really targeted the essential knowledge to do any makeup look – and then escalated to challenge that knowledge. I was pushed to put my own creativity into everything I did, which really helped me grow.

Through the assignments, I was able to see how important the basics of makeup are. They can be taken anywhere and applied to any look! I also learned that by knowing the basics, I was better able to create looks entirely on my own, rather than simply copying from others.

One of the most valuable things from my online makeup course was the feedback I received from my tutor. I appreciated that it was always honest and constructive. Even if it was to tell me what was not working in my looks, it helped me get better. By pin-pointing the areas where I was lacking, I could sit back, re-evaluate my application, and practice those areas more. As the course went on, I was encouraged to find ways to strengthen my weaker areas and sharpen my overall skin-set.

5 Skills I Gained Through My Online Makeup Course

QC Makeup Academy gave me all the skills I needed to have a successful career. They have rounded out my expertise, and have allowed me to create seamless applications that enhance my client’s natural beauty. Below are the top skills I have learned through my online training!

Skin Tones and Undertones

Skin tone and undertone are two very different things. Yet when it comes to makeup, they are equally as important. Skin tone is the color of the skin on the surface, while the undertone is the subtle hue beneath the surface.

Skin tones range from light, to medium, to dark. Skin undertones are considered war, cool, or neutral. Determining a person’s skin tone is easier than its undertone, as it can be seen just from looking at the person’s face. The easiest way to determine a person’s undertone is by looking at their veins. If their veins appear to be bluer or purple, then they have a cool undertone. But if the veins appear to be greener, they have a warm undertone. If it’s hard to determine what color is more dominant, it’s likely that the person has a neutral undertone.

By knowing this information, I was able to ensure that I picked the right foundation that would give them the most natural results for each individual.  Without properly matching the foundation to their skin, you run the risk of:

  • Making their face appear green or gray
  • Making their face a different color than their neck
  • Creating a mask-like effect that’s overtly unnatural
female models with different skin tones

Color Theory

By using the color wheel, I was able to learn how to color correct areas on a person’s face that were not wanted. The color wheel teaches which colors cancel each other out. For example, to remove redness in the skin, you would use a green color corrector. By cancelling out unwanted colors in your client’s skin, you’re able to create a more even skin tone. This then allows for an easier application of foundation, and a more perfect complexion overall.


We have all heard of primers, without ever really knowing the importance of them. The fact is, facial and eye primers set the mood for the entire application!  Without primer, you do not get the proper base for application. You won’t be able to get the most out of your products.

Using an eye primer is particularly important because it keeps oils at bay and prevents the eye shadow from smudging, breaking, or moving. It also enhances eyeshadow colors and helps them to pop. Using primers on the face and eyes keeps the makeup in place all day!

Classic Makeup Technique

Trends will always come and go. While it’s important to learn these trends, it’s equally as important – if not more so – to learn the basic, classic looks.

Classic makeup techniques have proven to surpass the test of time. They are techniques that have influenced every trendy look that’s ever been created, in one way or another. By taking an online makeup course and learning the classics, you can take a look anywhere!

Some of these classic techniques include:

  • Eyeliner (basic to the cat eye)
  • Filling in eye brows
  • Enhancing the natural crease in the eye
  • Blending eyeshadow
  • Lipliner

Working with Different Skin Types

Not every client is going to walk in with a perfect canvas. We aren’t made like that. As artists, we need to adjust to each person’s individual needs. In order to do this, you need to first determine if they have dry, oily, combination, or normal skin.

While I truly learned all about skin types from QC’s Skincare Course, my online makeup course still touched on this in a beneficial way. Makeup artists need proper skin knowledge if we want to be the best at what we do. Without it, we cannot properly prep the skin, and could potentially use the wrong products for our client’s skin type.

Why YOU Should Consider an Online Makeup Course

Through QC Makeup Academy, I have been able to achieve my dreams and do it in a way that worked for me. QC’s online courses allowed me to still be a mom while I learned my craft. The programs are self-paced, so I could choose when and how much I focused on my studies. Since students get a full 2 years to complete their online makeup course, I was also provided the room to focus more on the areas that needed particular attention and never feel rushed.

On top of this, QC’s tutors are real industry experts with extraordinary experience. They’ve worked in all areas of the industry and have years behind them. Their feedback pin-points areas of strength and weakness in order to open your eyes to your own work. With their guidance, you can be sure to get things right and symmetrical. They push you to your limits so that you’re able to see your own potential – and grow!

makeup products used for online makeup course

Sometimes, what holds people back from pursuing their dreams is how much getting a proper education can cost them. QC Makeup Academy is amazing for this, as their monthly payments are SO low! They also offer amazing monthly promotions.

It’s also worth mentioning that the support through QC is endless! This is more of a family than a school, because everyone wants to ensure you are successful in your endeavors. There’s a full team of Student Support Specialist who are always ready and willing to answer any questions you may have along the way.

One of my favorite parts of being in the QC community is having access to the online Virtual Classroom on Facebook. This is a safe place where current, past, and even future students can connect and grow together. We can work through our challenges together, learn as a group, and celebrate each other’s successes.

Taking the first step towards following your dreams is always the hardest. But I promise you, it’s worth it. Start on the road to happiness TODAY by enrolling with QC Makeup Academy!

makeup artist working on client

6 Ways to Find Makeup Jobs as a Beginner

By QC Student Ambassador, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Nadia Calabro is a QC Makeup Academy Student Ambassador, as well as a QC alumnus. She has graduated from the Master Makeup Artistry Course, the Pro Makeup Workshop, and the Skincare Course. She is also the proud founder of her very own makeup business, Beauty Beyond the Mirror. Today, Nadia reveals 6 ways to find makeup jobs when first entering the industry!

Becoming a professional makeup artist can be very fulfilling. But building a successful career as a makeup artist can also have its challenges. The most common challenge when starting out is finding makeup jobs.

It’s that classic (yet frustrating) double-edged sword: we need jobs to build experience, but we need experience to get jobs. This can be discouraging at first, but the truth is that there are MANY ways to overcome this challenge!

female model having makeup professionally applied by makeup artist

Get Professional Training

Social media is a blessing and a curse of modern society. This is especially true when it comes to makeup. People everywhere are going onto YouTube and trying to learn the latest trends and techniques. But this is impossible, because it’s simply not enough.

A lot of what’s found on social media reflects what is trending in the moment. Much of the time, it lacks proper education. These videos are not adequately teaching the viewers about how to determine your clients skin type, undertone, and ultimately, the products to use on other people. Classic makeup artistry techniques aren’t typically taught either.

When you learn nothing but ‘trendy’ makeup, that knowledge is going to go to waste. This is because those looks will inevitably die out and become irrelevant.

But when you get professional training, such as the training offered by QC Makeup Academy, you start with the very basics. You’re taught the classic techniques, makeup theory, and the foundational skills that will always remain relevant. The benefit of having this knowledge is that you can then create ANY makeup look, since these techniques can be adapted accordingly.

Proper education means that your makeup artistry will know no limits! You’ll never have to turn down a job due to a lack of knowledge. When you don’t have professional training, you’ll quickly become limited in what you can and cannot execute in your work.

Take Part in Stylized Photoshoots

If you’re not familiar with stylized photoshoots, this is when photographers partner with different vendors to create a mock photoshoot. A common example would be a staged wedding or bridal shoot. There really is no better opportunity to network yourself than by getting involved in one of these photoshoots!

You’ll meet all kinds of people within the industry, create meaningful impressions and relationships, and increase your chances of getting recommended for makeup jobs in the future.

Getting hands-on work is one of the best ways to learn and grow. Taking a chance on a mock photoshoot is a great way to practice your art in a safe environment. Stylized shoots also allow you to gain advice and expertise from other professionals.

In my opinion, one of the biggest selling points of a makeup artist is their professional portfolio. When you have a tangible collection of high-quality photos to show prospective clients, they’ll be much likelier to book with you. Stylized photoshoots can lead to excellent content for your portfolio – which means it can help steer you towards paying makeup jobs down the road.

Pro Tip: Certain styled photoshoots can open you up to even larger audiences. Mock wedding shoots, for example, will allow you to demonstrate your bridal makeup skills. In turn, you can get your foot in the door for wedding makeup services. This client base is massive and will absolutely lead to more makeup jobs than you know what to do with!

makeup brushes propped up on table in front of laptop

Build a Professional Website

Having a professional website is always a good idea. It’s worth noting that having a website is different from having social media accounts. This is due to one simple – yet extremely important – reason: potential clients can learn SO much more about you and your business through your website than they’ll ever be able to on Facebook or Instagram.

A business website allows you the chance to speak about your journey, what you love about your work, the steps you’ve taken to get to where you are now, and where you’re headed in the future. Just as critically, it gives you somewhere to list all of the services you offer, as well as your rates and contact information.

Being able to have a write up about yourself gives your customers a chance to see the person behind the brushes. This is important! A lot of the time, when doing makeup on people, we’re taking part in some of the biggest days of their lives. Giving them the chance to get to know us establishes trust and a meaningful relationship. This helps to ensure that people don’t see you as a one-time service – but someone that they can (and will) call on whenever your services are needed.

Establish a Presence on Social Media

You know the old saying, “Pictures speak louder than words“?  There has never been anything truer when it comes to the world of makeup on social media! Everyone wants to see pictures of artists’ work.

Creating social media accounts for your makeup business allows you the opportunity to show what you can do. You’ll be able to promote yourself across so many different platforms, establish a name for yourself, and attract the attention of potential clients from all over the world.

You can also maximize your social media presence to connect with others in both your area and the industry as a whole. This can lead to you getting the chance to work with others. As your social media presence builds, the promise of makeup jobs gets closer and closer to your reach!

Work on People You Know

I’m not going to lie – in the beginning, finding makeup jobs is hard. People want to see that you have experience before they can trust you. Of course, this makes perfect sense. So, a good way to gain real-world experience, strengthen your skills, and potentially add to your makeup portfolio is to work on people who already trust you!

Start by practicing your craft on family and friends. You’ll be able to challenge yourself and possibly make mistakes, without the fear of repercussion. You’re also likely to get good feedback. Chances are, your friends and family will be completely honest with you, in order to push you to be your best.

By working on friends and family, you can also actively choose who you want to work with. This will allow you to add more variety to your makeup portfolio. Choose models in different age groups and with different facial characteristics, skin times, and skin tones. Switch up the types of looks you do, so that your portfolio can speak to as many people as possible!

Do Your Research

It’s scary to try and figure everything out on your own. It’s also, in most cases, downright impossible. The jump start of a business is the hardest, yet the most important. You want to get it right from the start!

Before making any decisions, you MUST do your research. Start by finding your niche, then create a brand and logo for yourself. You want it to be short and catchy. It should tell everyone exactly what you do. Before starting anything, register your business and make it official!

A legitimate business is always going to impress potential clients, which will result in more makeup jobs for you!

woman researching on laptop

The most beneficial thing you can do is find people in your area that are specializing in that same thing as you. Make sure that you keep your pricing comparable, yet competitive.

You’ll also want to see what job opportunities may be out there for you. If there are any specialized or advanced makeup classes that you can take to make you stand out from the rest, do it. Never pass up an opportunity to shine!

How I Found Makeup Jobs

The courses I’ve taken with QC Makeup Academy really allowed me to find my strengths. Through my training, I was able to discern which areas of the industry I wanted to work in.

The last unit of the Master Makeup Artistry Course, for example, was all about researching makeup artists in my area. I had to make a business plan for myself so that when I graduated, I was confident and ready to get going. I started by doing makeup on my friends and family for fun.

Once I was really sure I could do something great, I booked a photoshoot with a local photographer. I put together an entire photoshoot concept that symbolized my business name and helped me showcase my work!

I had my sister model for me and the photographer took high-quality pictures.  That photoshoot grabbed SO many people’s attention. Suddenly, tons of people were contacting me and asking to work with me!

I also quickly discovered smart ways to tailor my services to specific clients. For instance, if I knew someone had a function to attend, I would offer my services at a cheaper price. While this might sound counterproductive, it was the exact opposite.

Because I knew that the client would be around a lot of people, my work would be showcased on a much larger scale. Ultimately, this would bring me more interested clients and more makeup jobs. That sort of exposure is worth shaving a few bucks off my services here and there. Sometimes, in the beginning, you have to spend a little to make more!

It’s all about putting yourself out there. So long as you have the right work ethic and positive attitude, I promise that the makeup jobs will come to you!

In the age of social distancing, you have a unique opportunity to book all sorts of virtual makeup jobs! Discover how to offer online makeup and skincare services by enrolling in QC Makeup Academy’s new Virtual Makeup Training Course!

makeup career - yellow and orange eyeshadow with cat eye liner

How QC’s Pro Makeup Workshop Accelerated My Makeup Career

By About the School, Education, Student Ambassador No Comments

Nadia Calabro is a QC Makeup Academy Student Ambassador, as well as a QC alumnus. She has graduated from the Master Makeup Artistry Course, the Pro Makeup Workshop, and the Skincare Course. She is also the proud founder of her very own makeup business, Beauty Beyond the Mirror.

Today, Nadia reveals all the reasons why taking QC’s Pro Makeup Workshop has benefited her professional makeup career!

qc ambassador, nadia calabro, makeup career

A little over a year ago, I decided I wanted to accomplish my dream of becoming a successful MUA and starting my very own makeup business! Prior to this, I was already a hair stylist. This means that I’m fully aware of how competitive the beauty industry is. (This is especially the case in my area.) So, I knew without a doubt that the first step to accomplishing my overall goal would be to get the best education I possibly could.

I did my research and lots of it. I looked into different makeup schools; trying to find the one that would best suit my needs. Once I discovered QC Makeup Academy, it quickly climbed to the top of my list!

The first thing that grabbed my attention was that all of their makeup courses are done completely online! For me, being able to do my studies from home was essential. As a busy mom of two young boys, sitting in a physical classroom all day and being away from them wasn’t an option for me.

As I continued my research into QC Makeup Academy, everything I found had me even more convinced that by enrolling in this school, I’d be taking the first step towards launching a great makeup career! I noticed that QC always had some sort of promotion running each month, so when I was ready to get started, I took advantage of the promo being offered to me at the time.

As such, after enrolling in the Master Makeup Artistry Course, I was also given the opportunity to enroll in a free Advanced Makeup Course as well. After careful deliberation, and reviewing the wide variety of courses QC had to offer, I decided that I would also enroll in the Pro Makeup Workshop.

Why I Chose the Pro Makeup Workshop

All of the Advanced Courses appealed to me. In fact, it was hard for me to choose which one I really wanted to enroll in at first! But I knew that my decision had to be based on whichever course would take my skills to the next level.

After all, you have to remember that my ultimate goal was to start a makeup career. I wanted to work professionally within this industry and find success. The beauty industry can be a pretty cut-throat world, so I knew that in order for me to prosper, I’d need to continue strengthening and refining my craft as much as possible.

qc ambassador, nadia calabro, showing her skills in makeup career have improved

The only way for me to make my decision was to research into each class. To do this, I used the school’s website to read up the different course descriptions and outlines. After that, I then went onto their Facebook and Instagram pages. I wanted to find past and present students’ work, as well as read reviews from real people who had taken QC courses.

Of everything I saw, though, I have to say that reading the course breakdown of the Pro Makeup Workshop was actually the thing that convinced me of my decision. it ticked off each one of my boxes, in terms of what I needed to accelerate and succeed in my makeup career!

What I Learned from My Training

This course gave me so many amazing challenges and lessons! I got to build on the foundational skills I learned in the Master Makeup Course, in a way I didn’t think was possible. For instance, I learned advanced makeup techniques, such as:

  • Makeup for the limelight
  • Editorial, runway and avant-garde looks
  • Intricate eyeliner and cat-eye applications
  • The reverse smoky eye
  • Pin-up looks
  • And much more!

As part of the Pro Makeup Workshop, I also got to take classic looks and put modern spins to them. Most importantly, I got to take the techniques I learned about bridal makeup from the Master Makeup Artistry Course, and elevate them to the next level!

qc ambassador nadia calabro showing natural bridal makeup on face
qc ambassador nadia calabro displaying makeup from QC assignment

A Look into My Assignments

The Pro Makeup Workshop gave a more focused look into both the classic and the most in-demand makeup techniques. I worked on creating makeup looks for:

On top of all this, I got to work with glitter for the first time, too. With the help of my instructor, I learned how to incorporate it into all my other looks. I practiced perfecting the brows and eyeliner – most specifically the cat-eye.

Lastly, and most importantly for me, I got to take a very in-depth look at bridal makeup.

qc ambassador nadia calabro - smoky eye with glitter look

My favorite parts of this course were the smoky eye lessons and the additional bridal makeup training. In my opinion, as a makeup artist, you can never know too much about the smoky eye! Literally, everyone is always requesting this look, whether it be for a night out on the town, for a wedding, etc.

This course taught me the various stages to creating:

  • A flawless smoky eye, ranging from softer to more dramatic designs (i.e. starting with grays and moving to black shadows)
  • The different types of smoky eyes (i.e.e classic, reverse, and glitter smokey eye)
  • The ability to know which type of smoky eye is appropriate for any given occasion

The bridal component of the Pro Makeup Workshop was the most important piece for me. You see, my dream is to run a successful bridal makeup business! So, having the chance to learn how to create timeless, elegant, and picture-perfect bridal looks was EXACTLY what I needed!

Through my additional training in this course, I learned how to quickly and effortlessly take a clean, dewy, and simple morning bride – and transform her into a more dramatic, evening bride.

qc nadia calabro - demonstrating smoky eye makeup look

Each assignment reinforced everything I’d originally learned in the Master Makeup Artistry Course and then built upon it even further. The Pro Makeup Workshop gave me the chance to practice more and get better at my craft.

At the same time, it also took me to new levels as well. Getting extra training helped boost my confidence. It made me feel like I really could pursue a successful makeup career, and that I’d be properly prepared to do any look in the real world!

How the Pro Makeup Workshop Accelerated My Makeup Career

Taking this course allowed me to push myself to the absolute limits! When I completed the Pro Makeup Workshop, I truly felt like I would be able to tackle any task that I was presented with.

From me to you: when it comes to having a fruitful makeup career, there’s NOTHING more important than getting a high-quality education. The more you know, the more you can do! The truth of it is, when you’re working as a makeup artist in the real world, your clients will always be looking to see what you know and how you perform.

qc ambassador nadia calabro - demonstrating a bold smoky eye makeup look

While I knew that I could still make something of myself by completing only the Master Makeup Artistry Course, I also knew that I’d be increasing my chances of success by leveling up with the Pro Makeup Workshop. As the old saying goes: knowledge is power!

By learning how to create more advanced looks, thanks to the Pro Makeup Workshop, I’ve been able to improve my makeup portfolio and make it that much more impressive to clients. I’ve gotten noticed much more – and with this recognition has come even more people reaching out to me with booking requests.

By completing this course, I gained the tools, the power, and the confidence needed to take on ANY client that comes my way. I’ll never have to say no to a potential job ever again! For this reason alone, I could not be more grateful.

Ready to start your very own makeup career? Until September 18th, enroll in QC’s internationally-leading Master Makeup Artistry Course, and we’ll give you the Pro Makeup Workshop absolutely FREE!

How QC’s Skincare Course Helped Me Become a Better Makeup Artist!

By About the School, Education, From the Experts, Student Ambassador No Comments

Nadia Calabro is a QC Makeup Academy Student Ambassador, as well as a QC alumnus. She has graduated from the Master Makeup Artistry Course, the Pro Makeup Workshop, and the Skincare Course. She is also the proud founder of her very own makeup business, Beauty Beyond the Mirror.

Today, Nadia draws on her experience with QC’s Skincare Course to tell YOU why it’ll take your makeup career to the next level!

Following your dreams can seem like a daunting task, especially if you’ve been in a job you don’t love, or at home raising kids for a while. I know it was a nerve-wracking decision for me! I knew I wanted so much more; that being a professional makeup artist was what I needed in my life. But I didn’t know how I could make this happen.

My sons were still young and needed me, so going back to a physical classroom was impossible. I had to find a way to be home and complete my makeup courses at the same time. The only option was to find an online makeup school.

I had been told that makeup school online would never teach me everything I needed to know in order to start a successful career. I’ll be honest, it discouraged me… That is until I found QC Makeup Academy.

QC’s makeup course was so detailed and thoughtfully put together that within four months, I was a confident, certified makeup artist! I studied at home online, all on my own time, and at my own convenience. The best part was that all the while, I was still able to be with my kids.

Furthering My Education into Skincare

After my Master Makeup Artistry Course, I pushed my education by doing the Pro Makeup Workshop. My instructor, Nathan Johnson, suggested a few times that I look into doing the Skincare Course as well. He assured me that it would really enhance my talents.

I sat on this for a while; not sure if it would really be for me, or if I could work with the information I already had. So, I decided to do some research, to get a better idea of what a Skincare Course could do for my career.

I started by looking up general information on different skin types, different products, proper skincare regimens, and the impact of taking care of your skin. From there, I went to the QC Virtual Classroom and looked up posts by current students in the program.

What I found astounded me!

No one had anything negative to say. In fact, the consensus was all the same: skincare was a MUST! From there, I went onto the QC website and read what would be covered in the Course, and I was sold!

My online makeup courses through QC were excellent, so I had no doubt that the Skincare Course would be the same. I already knew that if I was going to pursue skincare, it would be with QC. To top it all off, I was going to be adding more certifications to my name, while still be home with my kids.

It was a win-win all around!

How the Skincare Course Has Changed my Career as MUA

If I’m being honest, even with all I knew about makeup, there were times when I would apply a full face and not be able to shake the feeling that something just didn’t look right. No matter what I tried, the foundation wasn’t setting right. My skin was dull instead of dewy, and the whole look felt wrong.

I would beat myself up over it, wondering what I was doing wrong in those moments. Turns out, the Skincare Course answered that question! It had NOTHING to do with my makeup knowledge. It was the skin itself that was lacking, and ultimately setting my look up for failure.

By doing the Skincare Course, I am now better able to see, know, and understand different skin types and concerns. Then I can take it a step further by being able to properly address them.

For instance, I know how to properly moisturize and prep the skin, even before laying down the makeup primer. I learned how to work with my makeup on a whole different level! Before getting any skincare training, when I thought of working with a person’s skin, I’d always put the emphasis on the primer. I thought that so long as the primer was right, the rest would all fall into place.

I was so wrong!

By understanding the skin, I’m able to use my powders and creams in appropriate ways and areas. Furthermore, I can set my makeup accordingly. If I need my clients’ looks to last all day, I know exactly how to make that happen. This is critical knowledge!

The most amazing thing was that by doing the Skincare Course, I added a whole new, marketable service to my list. Most importantly, it added to the types of services I can offer brides (who are my target market). I’m now able to speak to them about what to use on their skin. I can help them ensure that it looks absolutely flawless on their big day, as well as in their pictures that will last a lifetime.

Doing the skincare course has added to my credentials and my income!

Skincare Course Assignments

Below are some of the amazing topics that are covered in the Course:

It isn’t only about perfecting makeup and appearances; it’s about a person’s overall health. The course textbooks are filled with so much detailed information, that I actually found them hard to put down! I loved every lesson, as each brought something different to the table, and opened my eyes to the types of services I could offer my clients.

From the moment I started the Skincare Course, I was captivated. I never knew how much there was to learn about skin, or how important it really is!

My Favorite Assignment

I truly believe that this assignment really prepared me for all that was to come in my future!

They also told me which parts of my report worked, as well as the parts I should fix. This assignment was able to really show me that my own clients would be satisfied with such a service and even be something they’d gladly pay for.

This hands-on assignment also gave me a chance to get feedback from my instructor on where I could improve. Even more importantly, it gave me the opportunity to get feedback from a client, in terms of what they thought of this both service and me. The client was able to tell me what areas really made sense to them, versus which areas I needed to add more detail.

It brought everything I had learned together, and really tested what I had retained. I got the chance to work with a real client, and get comfortable with asking questions and taking notes. I got to practice my researching skills and build a proper report.

It’s hard to pick my favorite assignment! But I have to say that the final assignment – where I needed to complete a full skincare consultation – was the best part for me.

Ready to start YOUR skincare training? Enroll in QC’s leading online Skincare Course today, and get certified in as little as 3-6 months!